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Legends of Tamriel


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Shadow returned to Markarth quite fast. He left Shadowmere in the stables again and made his way to the place where Lord Cyrus was. He completely ignored the guards and went straight to the throne room. He stopped and looked around scanning the room.
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On his way out, Cyrus sees Shadow return, and go into the throne room. He snaps his fingers at a guard, and says "Bring the assassin whatever price he demands. I have some business to attend to in the Vault." The guard nods, and heads to Shadow.


"Assassin! Lord Cyrus has commanded you be brought whatever amount of money you demand. He would attend himself, but he has to go to his Vault, where he keeps his more valuable artifacts. A person of importance has expressed interest in using one of them. Now, name your price. Lodgings and food, other than Cyrus's steward Sara are available as well."

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"Can you keep your voice down?" Shadow hissed at the guard. "I don't think that everyone in Skyrim heard you." He added quite annoyed that the guard kept shouting like that. He's an assassin after all and his... profession isn't exactly well respected.


"3000 Septims." Was the only thing that he said. Shadow's services were not cheap but some paid assassins charge even more.

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"I was not shouting, boy. I can shout if you want to compare. However, Your money will be brought, and since you did your task within one night, and Lord Cyrus is in a good mood you will be paid extra." The guard stumped off to the gold vault, the high security, but less important of the vaults, used the master key, and returned with a bag containing 10,000 gold. "There is your payment."


Cyrus looks back at Selene. "Come on, you wanted it, let`s get moving!"

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Shadow took the gold from the guard without saying anything and left the Hold. He wondered why this Lord Cyrus paid him so generously. What will happen when he won't be so generous? The vampire shook his head and went to look for a tavern. His work is done and it was time for some well deserved rest.


The vampire found an inn and rented a room. He scanned the common hall of the tavern before heading to his room.

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Cyrus strides through the street, his face wearing a look of intense concentration and purpose, his mind already going over plans. His people move quickly out of his way, knowing something must be wrong, that only he could deal with. Perhaps people kidnapped? They didn't know. Snapping his fingers, the massive golden gates are opened, and he calls out, "Equestrium, demonica, conjurum, VOLTAIR!" At this, with a flash of green and black flames, the flaming skeletal horse, Voltair appears. Standing 17 and a half hands at the shoulder, he was a tall horse, with a black boned body filled with green and black flames, with a green flaming mane and tail. He mounts Voltair, and says "Your conjuration is the same, but with the name Arvak rather than Voltair. Give it a try, he is quite a nice horse."
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Selene followed through the streets, noticing the gazes of the people. Once she heard what Cyrus said, she recited her own incantation "Equestrium, demonica, conjurum, Arvak!" And the horse materialized in a surge of purple energy, she pulled herself onto the skeletal horse, and rode next to Cyrus "Lead the way my lord."
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Whispering "To the Vault, Voltair!" to his hose, who takes off like a, aha horse out of hell, Cyrus and his horse ride off. Calling to Selene, he says "Where you are being taken is somewhere only the court wizard and I have ever been. The place is magically sealed, with traps only he and I know of. Stay close to me, and step exactly where I step. Oh and I have done some research. The goblet has additional properties. Adding the blood of two high born, royalty, in other words, will allow the goblet to purify the vampire`s blood, making them a Vampire Lord or Lady. I desire this ability too, and since you will not get the goblet without me, I request the Vampire`s Kiss before entering the tomb. I have laid a spell on myself that if I ever get bitten by a vampire, the change will happen immediately, instead of manifesting in 3 days time, as it normally does. Very complex magic I created myself. What say you, my dear?"
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Selene rode up close to Cyrus and said "I am sorry my dear... but i seek another way... my method will refine the blood. Your method would indeed create a Vampire lord... but it would be far too unstable, dangerous even... I am afraid you will have to bear with me and my method, i can use the Chalice in another way..."
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