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Legends of Tamriel


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Shadow finished reading his book and sighed. It was getting dark so now he can finally go outside without having to wear countless enchantments just to keep him from burning because of the sunlight. He placed the book on the table near the empty glass and arose from his seat.


The vampire stepped outside and looked around. Even if it was rather dark quite a few people were still walking around in the streets. The Orchish merchant walked passed him and greeted him with a nod. Shadow returned the gesture.


He was about to head towards the chapel when he noticed that some people were looking at something and whispering to each other. Out of curiosity he went to investigate as well. What he saw surprised him. A young and beautiful woman walked the streets of Cheydinhal. The woman seemed familiar but he could not remember where. "Good evening my lady." Shadow said as he approached the woman and bowed slightly.

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Selene was leaning against the side of the bridge, gazing into the water, when Shadow walked over and greeted her,she turned around, and looked at him, a smile appearing on her face "I didn't know Cheydinhall housed such fine men... a pleasure to meet you sir, and good evening. I am Selene Regent." She said, holding her hand out, as all noble women did, for Shadow to kiss.
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Cyrus walked briskly through the streets of his town, up to the declaration platform. "Attention, citizens!" He shouted, "I am declaring a year of happiness and celebration! An honored guest has asked to move into my city, and I feel good. Let the borders reopen, and festivals be prepared for!" His citizens looked confused. "Don't question it, just do it! Have fun!" Cyrus shouts, then goes back into the Underkeep.
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Lord Regent, the Duke of Nibenay, walked through the doors of castle Cheydinhall, looking around as the lavish party took place, there were nobles from all around County cheydinhall, knights of the thorn, guard captains, embelished farmers and tradespeople. There were also prostitutes for the noble men of more carnal desires... Lord Regent walked through the center of the hallway, following the carpet, his guards in tow.
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Mirabelle sat at the long table, the count on one side, the countess on the other. She sat on the chair closest to the countess. The food lay on the table and two seats still remained empty. She waited patiently for her meal to be served, she mingled with every man and woman on the table and seemed to get along fine. The countess however was slightly drunk and was very offensive towards the other nobles. She noticed Lord Regent walk into the room, accompanied by guards. She glanced at him for a second, then focused her attention to the meal that was brought to the table, it was her favourite, Venison.
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Lord Regent took his place at the table, in a chair far more ornate then any of the others, he looked over at Mirabelle and said "I have not seen you before, fair one, may the Duke ask you your name?"


Selene looked into Shadow's eyes longingly, but then broke from his gaze once she saw the time "I am sorry, fine and handsome gentleman... i must get to the castle... maybe.. maybe i could meet you out here later?" She said with a beautiful smile, then walking over the bridge, and up to the castle.

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Lord Regent smiled, he took a liking to Mirabelle, she seemed an honest soul. "Please, you may all si-" He was interrupted when Selene walked into the room, everyone bowing, just like they did when Lord Regent entered, she took her place next to her father and smiled at everyone. "As i was saying... you may all sit." Lord Regent finished, as Selene took her place next to him, opposite Mirabelle.
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The count walked his fat carcass into the room, he was a huge man, and disgustingly Obese, he walked down the line, stopping behind Mirabelle "I want some wine, pretty little hot head." He said, groping her, and taking the wine, he then walked to the head of the table, and sat down.


Lord Regent sighed, and looked at Selene.


Selene nodded and whispered, leaning over to Mirabelle, "Do you know where his food is being kept?"

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