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Legends of Tamriel


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Dirmire arrived at Saarthal by carrage. He noticed some students from the college of winterhold trying to gain access to the ruin. He walked over to the otherside of the ruin and mumered something and a hidden door opened. He walked into the upper area of the dungeon and fought his way through of draugr with ice spears before finding a draugr deathlord guarding and sealed door.


OOC: sorry about the OOC but can someone roleplay as the deathlord due to the fact if I do the fight will be one line long


OOC: Whatever happened to OOC? DOH! NOW I'VE USED IT! ^^. Does Dirmire know Draconic?

One warning to the both of you, NO OOC IN THE RP! Now, back to the action.


A guard runs up to Cyrus and informs him that Tina and the Death Squad had arrived. He nods, and walks down towards the gate, gesturing that Sara follow. At the gate, he says, "Tina, this is my new Steward, Sara, and my fiancee the Lady Selene."


Tina bows to the both of them, and walks a slow circle around Sara, who watches rather nervously. "Hmm.. I like what I see." Tina whispers into Sara's ear before moving away. "Ready for duty, sir!"


Sara blushes at the girl's remark.


OOC: You just OOC'd hypocrite :rolleyes:

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Dirmire arrived at Saarthal by carrage. He noticed some students from the college of winterhold trying to gain access to the ruin. He walked over to the otherside of the ruin and mumered something and a hidden door opened. He walked into the upper area of the dungeon and fought his way through of draugr with ice spears before finding a draugr deathlord guarding and sealed door.


OOC: sorry about the OOC but can someone roleplay as the deathlord due to the fact if I do the fight will be one line long


OOC: Whatever happened to OOC? DOH! NOW I'VE USED IT! ^^. Does Dirmire know Draconic?

One warning to the both of you, NO OOC IN THE RP! Now, back to the action.


A guard runs up to Cyrus and informs him that Tina and the Death Squad had arrived. He nods, and walks down towards the gate, gesturing that Sara follow. At the gate, he says, "Tina, this is my new Steward, Sara, and my fiancee the Lady Selene."


Tina bows to the both of them, and walks a slow circle around Sara, who watches rather nervously. "Hmm.. I like what I see." Tina whispers into Sara's ear before moving away. "Ready for duty, sir!"


Sara blushes at the girl's remark.


OOC: You just OOC'd hypocrite :rolleyes:


I run the RP and am allowed to issue warnings about the use of OOC actions, like right now. Second Warning. Want to try for your first strike? I am not in a good mood, so keep it up.

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Selene looked at Tina, she glanced at the woman... but then turned away, she would probably forget her name and face entirely in a few hours. Such it was with servants. She waited patiently, but with a patience that would wear quite thin if they had to stand having another chat.




Iodiria smiled as the Overlord returned to his tomb, and lay out a few greater soul gems in a niche near his tomb, should his cleaving axe run out of charge. She walked back out the way she came, opening the stone doors to the tomb, and closing them behind her as the sunlight enveloped her.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Dirmire arrived at Saarthal by carrage. He noticed some students from the college of winterhold trying to gain access to the ruin. He walked over to the otherside of the ruin and mumered something and a hidden door opened. He walked into the upper area of the dungeon and fought his way through of draugr with ice spears before finding a draugr deathlord guarding and sealed door.


OOC: sorry about the OOC but can someone roleplay as the deathlord due to the fact if I do the fight will be one line long


OOC: Whatever happened to OOC? DOH! NOW I'VE USED IT! ^^. Does Dirmire know Draconic?

One warning to the both of you, NO OOC IN THE RP! Now, back to the action.


A guard runs up to Cyrus and informs him that Tina and the Death Squad had arrived. He nods, and walks down towards the gate, gesturing that Sara follow. At the gate, he says, "Tina, this is my new Steward, Sara, and my fiancee the Lady Selene."


Tina bows to the both of them, and walks a slow circle around Sara, who watches rather nervously. "Hmm.. I like what I see." Tina whispers into Sara's ear before moving away. "Ready for duty, sir!"


Sara blushes at the girl's remark.


OOC: You just OOC'd hypocrite :rolleyes:


I run the RP and am allowed to issue warnings about the use of OOC actions, like right now. Second Warning. Want to try for your first strike? I am not in a good mood, so keep it up.


OOC: ...proves my point...


VulViingKonalrik looked at Iodiria "You have what you want? Good. I must take to the air, I have work to do..." The dragon flew up into the air, and started to fly north

Edited by Brutii
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Cyrus nods, and tells Tina. "Take your squad to Falkreath. Kill anyone who tries to stop you, and get those dead moving. Read this scroll when you have raised them and it will bind them to serve, and not disintegrate unless holy magic is used, or I release the spell. I will escort the Lady Selene towards the hidden pass. You know what to do."


Tina nods, blows a kiss at Sara, and after depositing the adventurers, she and her squad left the city to head to Falkreath.


Sara blushes even deeper, and hides slightly behind Cyrus.


Cyrus looks at Selene. "Summon your horse. I must instruct my Steward, and them I will join you."

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Dirmire pulled up a ward and blocked the shout and looked at the deathlord's body. He walked through a hallway before he came to a door with a lever. He froze the door and then suddenly heated hit up with fire the sudden change in temperature made the metal buckled and snap. He kicked the weaken bars with his foot and they fell to the floor. He walked his down another hall way lighted by glowing stones befoer he came to an altor with Jyrik Gauldurson lying on a piece of the amulet aroung his neck.


OOC: once again can someone RP as Jyrik Gauldurson

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Dirmire pulled up a ward and blocked the shout and looked at the deathlord's body. He walked through a hallway before he came to a door with a lever. He froze the door and then suddenly heated hit up with fire the sudden change in temperature made the metal buckled and snap. He kicked the weaken bars with his foot and they fell to the floor. He walked his down another hall way lighted by glowing stones befoer he came to an altor with Jyrik Gauldurson lying on a piece of the amulet aroung his neck.


OOC: once again can someone RP as Jyrik Gauldurson


OOC: Rebels in arms, lol, me and baldur have several posts talking about OOC and then you just come in and casually post a post with an OOC in :laugh: yeah, sure


Jyrik Gauldurson stood up, grabbing his staff in one hand and using his sword in the other, he ran at Dirmire, slashing at him

Edited by Brutii
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Selene looked at Cyrus, she was almost angered... but remembered that the one who is trying to steal her future husband, is also his steward. "Very well my lord, but you will have to keep me safe on the journey... certain lights take there toll." She said, refering to the sun, but hiding her vampirism from the ears of the guards. She put the Veil she wore in the sun over her head, and walked down the steps, out into the streets of Markarth.


Once outside the gates, she summoned Arvak, and mounted the steed, waiting for Cyrus.

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The next evening Shadow left the local inn and made his way to the stables to take Shadowmere and finally go back hone. His job here is done and he had collected his reward. At first he was wondering what Cyrus wanted the other lord dead but he later assumed that it was because of politics or something similar.


"It is time to go home my friend. I think we both had enough of Skyrim for a while." The vampire said as he mounted the horse and left Markarth. Who knows, maybe someone have more work for him.

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Cyrus watches his fiancee leave the city, and walks Sara up towards Markarth. "My dear girl, you will have to find yourself another man to love. I cannot love you, I love Selene. We have been given consent to, well you know but that's it. You are my steward, and a fine one at that. I would be lost without your help. That is why I am entrusting Markarth to you. Rule it in my stead while I am away. Also, let the people know these policies are now in effect. 'In accordance with the whims and desires of Cyrus, Lord of Markarth, the borders are to be reopened, and adventurers hired to rid the land of Bandits. I declare an era of peace, and wholeheartedly regret all the evil acts I have done. I cannot promise a Benevolent lord, but can promise a fair and neutral one.' Got all that?"


Sara nods, her eyes tear up slightly, and she jumps slightly, grabs Cyrus's head, and kisses him. "I will do what you ask, but there will not be another man. Even if you can only use me for base needs there will be no man. I will seek my love with the women."


Cyrus nods, and says "Indeed? Well Tina seemed interested, if you were. Now, I mustn't keep Selene waiting." He strides purposefully down towards the gate, cloak blowing in the wind, staff over his shoulder, and summons Voltair. His skeletal horse appears, and after lodging the staff under the collarbone, Cyrus turns to Selene. "Let's ride!"

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