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Legends of Tamriel


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"Zu'u Rorik. I have come from the Throat of the World where I spoke with Parthurnax. I sought supplies here so that I may go upon a journey to find a dovah that I have learned of, Vulviingkonahrik. I seek knowledge and wisdom of the Thu'um. I have come across you now as well." Rorik replied to the frost dragon. "I wish for a day when the dov shall co-exist with the jul once again. My great friend and tutor Junsenax (This isn't a behind kissing trip mind you...) spoke with me of the days when jul and dov lived together in harmony before Alduin sought power and tyranny. I would have this era restored." Rorik spoke reminiscing about his time in the ice fields, where he truly mastered the voice, it had been a grueling battle with Junsenax. At first the dovah would only fight him, it had taken seven days before they were both completely exhausted and truly respected one another enough to converse. Soon they had become steadfast friends, Junsenax had taught Rorik the proper way to shout his name in order to summon the venerable behemoth if in dire need and together they had devised a shout that would bring Rorik from wherever he was to Junsenax to defend him. He had spent a few years with the great dragon following the collapse of the new order of Skyrim, after Ulfric was assassinated and things once again disintegrated into feudal lords and squabbling little petty tyrants.


Rorik eyed the frost dragon curiously, it didn't even remotely display the usual ferocity that the dov had. It regarded him with curiosity rather than hunger and hate, unlike most dragons did, at least initially. This dragon was curious and inquisitive not angry and bitter. Rorik suspected that this Sahvithzoor had survived since the last fall of Alduin and was not one of the many who had risen from the grave and bitter at all of mankind. He wondered if some form of alliance could be forged...


"Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin

naal ok zin los vahriin

wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal!" VulviingKonahrik recited part of the song, as he landed in the village, then switched back to his normal speech "Dovahkiin, Meyz Het, Zu'u VulViingKonahrik" the dragon said

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Cyrus walked until he saw an old stone landing, with a sunken boat. "Here we are. This will take us into the courtyard. From there, we can rout them from behind. You with your Vampite Lord powers, Myself with my magics. Together we will dominate them!" He opens the door to the tunnels, which the Dovahkin and Selana had cleared of monsters years ago, and says, "Shall we my love?"
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Dirmire walked inside Geirmund's Hall and saw tall stone piller and a stone overpasses. He hadn't noticed the three draugr coming at until one of them shoat at him he fell backwards but got back on his feet and sumoned a skeleton while he overcharged chain lightening which he shot a the furthest draugr. They were a ll fried to a crusp including his skeleton. He carried on walking until he came to a drawbridge. He pulled the lever and spikes shot out from the wall he fell backwards clutching his chest a spike had cut his chest but he was fine. He turned around to see if there was another way across when he noticed a lever hidden in the wall he pulled it and the drawbrige dropped down. He walked across and pulled another lever to lower the other drawbridge he carried on walking until he came up to a sealed iron bar door. He froze it shut with ice before conjuring up a bound sword and smashing the bars. Dirmire kept on walking until he came to a tomb like room with two broken pillers on either side with stairs going up to the now flat stumps. He walked over to Sigdis Gauldurson grave and Sidgis grabbed him and threw to the floor before getting out of his coffin and teleporting somewhere in the tomb with two thralls. Dirmire overcharged chain lightening again and shot it at one of the thrall and hit jumped to the other thrall and to Sigdis who was now on his own the thralls destroyed. Dirmire shot a ice spike into Sigdis and then fired to beam of extremely hot flames at his chest. He fell of the podium he was on and crashed onto the floor. Dirmire conjured a bound sword and slammed it through Sigdis face. He took the piece of Gauldurs amulet from his body and walked out of Geirmund's Hall.
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Selene looked at Cyrus and let out a small chuckle, before kissing him "My dear, i don't plan on a crippling blow... no, the Vampire lords are far more formal and refined than that... i am to directly announce my challenge to Serana, as a new daughter of Coldharbour, i am superior... i shall kill her, and announce my rule... they will either all bow, or they will not."
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Cyrus looks at Selene. "Are you certain, my love? I do not wish to see you harmed." Cyrus looks genuinely concerned. "Even with your vampire form, there are more than one Vampire lord inside. What if they decide to attack?" Cyrus begins walking towards the front, where the undead had battered the front porticullis to pieces. Cyrus waves a hand, and they stop and move aside, leaving a path down the middle. Those with weapons hold them high as a salute. Cyrus walks over to the gate, which is sealed magically, and waves his hand. The gate is blasted open. "Make your challenge, dear, and make it count."
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"You are going to have to fix that." Selene said as she walked inside.


She gazed around the room at the high vaulted castle, the disturbing gargoyles crouched, as if they were ready to pounce upon her, the windows were blacked out with ripped old rags, and the light of the sun shone through the tiny bits of the windows they could. She walked further forward, standing now on the balcony of the double staircase, she looked down to see a now rather aged Serana sitting on the throne, who looked up. The eyes of every Vampire lord followed, there piercing and bone chilling stares looking up, a number of them withdrawing from the withered and old cattle they were reluctantly feeding on... it seems this place had further deteriorated since Harkons death to the Dawnguard. Selene walked down the Right staircase, her hand passing over it's stone surface, her eyes fixed on Serana. The Vampires all looked at her, but in there hungered eyes... they could recognize her blood, it was that of the blessed purebloods of Molag Bal, and they all burst out into conversation with one and another, worriedly looking between Selene and Serana.


"SILENCE!" Serana shouted, and the court fell silent. Despite her mortality, she was still a powerful woman, skilled with a blade, and that of ice magic. "I can feel your blood's power... what are you here for?" Serana asked, unsure if it could be true, that there was a new Pureblood, a true Royal.


Selene smiled as she stopped in the center of the carpet, the court arranged around her, Serana rising from her seat, walking over to the top of the rug. "I am here for my right. I am the the lady Selene, true Daughter of Coldharbour! With Harkons line dead, it is high time that the Volkihar were returned to there glory, ruled by one who is actually a Vampire, not the mortal who was once a daughter. Serana Harkon, i envoke the blood of Coldharbour! I challenge you for rule of this court, for title Lady of the Vampires, Ruler of the Volkihar, and Queen of bats!"


Once again the court burst into conversions, they were looking fearful, yet inside them they wanted a true ruler... they were sick of living like Animals, and they could all remember the time of Harkon, when the castle was a hall of Royalty.


Serana shook her greying hair and said "So... it has finally come to this... i knew that the pureblood would once again return to tamriel... i thought that once this court had died, the Volihar would be gone.... but here you are... I accept your challenge, Girl, ready yourself!" She said, her hands springing into action, she threw a lighting bolt at Selene, which caught her offguard. Selene got up after the bolt flung her across the floor, she readied her own magic, and cast an Icy spike towards Serana, which hit her in the shoulder, making her stumble slightly, Selene followed up by using the power of the blood to transform, while she had the chance, she hissed as she transformed, her wings spreading, she hovered above the ground, Serana firing a series of spells at Selene, which staggered her.


For at least two hours, the pair of women flung spells at each other, Serana with magic of the Arcane, and Selene with Blood Magic, throwing balls of health draining, which exploded when they missed, and from a joint effort of the two women, the courtroom was decimated, spells flinging tables over, smashing the chairs, and the court itself stood around the edges of the room.


Selene suffered considerable damage, her blood was still new, although being pureblooded gave her an edge, it could not prevent the spells of an ancient woman from doing her harm. They were back where they started again, in the center of the room, Serana was breathing heavily, and as was Selene... whichever made a move now would end the fight... Serana swung forward, attempting to decapitate Selene with her longsword, but Selene saw it coming, and swatted the sword away with one wing, picking Serana up with a clawed hand, she bit deep into her throat, feeding from her blood, dropping the woman to the floor.


Selene reverted her transformation, standing there, panting, she lent down to deliver the killing blow, and Serana whispered to her "You... you enjoy this gift far more than i did... rule this court well... you... win, Lady Selene." Serana said, her head flailing back to the floor, and life exiting her body. The court all bowed with great respect, accepting Selene as there new ruler... perhaps now they could have a more respectable life, to there long legacy.

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Sahvithzoor watched as Vulviingkonahrik came in for a landing, singing a few bars of the Dovahkiin Prophecy.


"Pruzah ven, dovahkiin," the frost dragon commented, "There is your dovah."


He looked back down at the elf woman, not quite comprehending what she was himself. She was not a mortal, yet not like the dov, either. Nor was she, in the sense that he knew him to be, like Father Akatosh. No, she was something else altogether.

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Cyrus has his undead fix the gate, and it is repaired by the end of the fight. One of the lesser vampire lords attempts to attack him, and drain him. Although Cyrus is powerful, he is not powerful enough to ward off a vampire lord by himself, and finds himself pinned. "A LITTLE HELP HERE MY LOVE?" He shouts, shooting fire spells ineffectively at the vampire who has him pinned.
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Selene was too weak to face the Vampire... but clearly the cur did not understand the machinations of power "Off Him Cur!" Selene shouted, and the Vampire lord stopped "He is with me." Selene said.


Garan Marethi came forward, and officially announced "Lady Selene... you are our new ruler, mistress of the Volkihar and owner of this castle, we tremble in your wake, and follow you devotedly. I am Garan Marethi."


Selene smiled and said "Thank you Garan." She walked over to Cyrus, exhausted, and said "Well, i have everything i have desired... now it is time for me to fulfill my side of this bargain."

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Cyrus holds up a hand. "No. I will not accept your blood. You need it more than I do right now. Promise me your heart, your love. That was the original request. So long as you fulfill that agreement, as I have fulfilled mine, I will be content." Turning to the vampire lord who attacked him, he uses a spell from a land far off used to hurt vampires. It can't kill, but it is a burst of holy magic to use to ward them off. "Solarium vampiricus divinatus incendio PARUM!" A holy flame blasts at the vampire lord who attacked him. Turning to Selene, he pulls her into his arms, and holds her close, gently. "Sorry about that my dear. I owed him a debt of pain. He will not die, I don't remember the words for that version."
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