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Legends of Tamriel


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Iodiria turned around as Cyrus entered... she couldn't break her guisse of Thalmor leadership in front of her men... so she would have to do what she claimed she came here to do "Then... i reluctantly say Order has been restored. Alright men! we are leaving!" She said, and her men pilled out through the gates, glad to be gone from the town, she looked at Cyrus and said "Your little announcement in Markarth better had been true, if you prove to be a tyrant.. you will have one hell of an uprising." Iodiria then whispered to the two dragons and the dovahkiin "Meet me on sheer point tonight... we can talk without watchful eyes." And she left.... she wanted to kill Cyrus then... but it would blow her cover.




Selene was shown to her chambers, where she finally had chance to take a bath.

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Rounding on the red faced woman, he inquires "Perhaps I misheard you, I thought you just said No. I must be mistaken, because last I checked I was the one with power here." He looks closer, and unconsiously readies an attack spell. "I remember you. You attacked me and my boat! GET OFF MY LANDS NOW!"
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"Then you are a fool as well as a trespasser. You are banished from the holds of Falkreath, and Markarth. You will leave, or you will be killed. Your choice." He snaps his fingers, and the army of the undead, which still numbered 200, having lost 100 at the hands of this woman and her dragon, moves forward readying their weapons. Cyrus himself readies the staff of Molag Bal, and an Icy Spear spell. "This is your last warning. Leave, or we will kill you."
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"I had the Jarl Assassinated. That means I slew him by proxy, making the land mine by right of conquest. Therein lies my name on this land. You Imperials wouldn't understand such old laws, ask any hold lord the same thing, somewhere down the line, there was a trial by Conquest. Now, LEAVE!" He shoots the icy spear at the woman, and the army rushes forward, only to make her cross the borders and leave.
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Dirmire had the three pieces of the amulet and was making his way to reforged them when he saw what was happening in Falkreath. He walked up to the back of a group of zombies and dispelled them so they were mear bones on the floor. Edited by Meciathe
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Mirabelle immediately took out her sword but the icy spear pierced her left arm slightly, she winced for a moment. " Men ! Defensive posotions! Make every bow count!" She shouted, the men started to back away, firing rays of arrows at the army. Edited by AnotherAverageName
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Cyrus feels some of the creatures under his control dispelled, and he turns to find the culprit. He sees a Necromancer undoing his work, which was impressive, seeing as the spell had it so only HE could dispel his creatures. He shouts at the Necromancer "I am Lord Cyrus, and you are attacking things under my control. Desist at once!"
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