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Legends of Tamriel


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A guardsman approaches Cyrus on the throne. "Sire, your honored guest just left to do some hunting." Cyrus looks up. "YOU LET HIM LEAVE UNESCORTED?? WITH THOSE BANDITS?" Cyrus bellows. He fears he may be too late, and rushes out of the Underkeep, smacking the guard in the process. He runs through the street, his people making way, seeing the look on his face. He snaps his fingers, and the guards have the gates open by the time he arrives at them. He stops to catch his breath, then hurries off. He sees his Khajiit friend stab a bandit in the heart with his bow, and shoots an Icy Spear through the head of the one creeping up behind him. Cloak flying in the wind, he approaches the Khajiit. "Are you INSANE?" He demands. "There are BANDITS everywhere, and you go after an elk when there is a meat stall in the market? By Sithis, what were you thinking?"
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"Can you? So you say now, but there are more bandits here than you realize. There is more than one reason I closed the borders. I'm going with you. I need to get some exercise, and you need someone to watch your back, whether you realize it or not. My steward Sara can handle things for a few days if necessary." Cyrus says. He shoots Arc Lightning, and takes out 2 bandits approaching. "Plenty more where that came from my boy!"
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Sa'virr grabbed his bow and took out a bandit behind Cyrus. "Sure.. I could use the extra help. I was about to go kill some more bandits and maybe go out near the border leading to Cyrodiil." Sa'virr said. Detecting another bandit coming behind him, Sa'virr turned around and pierced the bandit's jugular instead with the other sharp end of the Glass Bow.
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"You really do love resurrecting the dead, don't you?" Sa'virr jokingly said, turning around to see all the dead bandits the two killed. He then switched to his sword and threw it at another incoming bandit. "These bandits.." Sa'virr walked over to the dead bandit and pulled out his sword that was in deep. Edited by 62firelight
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Waldo wasted no time. He charged the ice mage, Swinging. A shield spell blocked the first blow to his head, but the next was to powerful. Vuthoen Cleaved the mage in half with the force of a dragon's landing. Grimacing, Waldo yanked the freezing cold icicle out of his arm and tossed it aside. He gathered up a bandage and wrapped it around his wound. Then, remembering a brief healing spell is mother taught him, he relieved himself of the pain. The body looked quite gruesome next to his camp, so Waldo covered it up with leaves and tried to ignore it. Remembering the soldiers, he sneaked over to the bushes and peered out. Tracks in the muddy path where a carriage had gone and footprints following told him they where ahead. Now I may continue my journey. Although if I want to go faster than a slow walk, I must find out where the caravan is going so that I might avoid it. Waldo sighed. It was never just as simple as leaving things to work themselves out. After a quick and hard to stomach meal consisting of deer meat and bread, Waldo took his tent down. He gathered the pots, rolled up the mats and put out the cooking fire. He stuffed everything into a overly large backpack. Looking back at the pile of leaves, slightly reddening, he put the mage in the back of his mind and walked out on to the road. Walking in the forest was quite the risk. Always a dangerous wolf or skeever, maybe even something worse nearby. But the roads were safe. To a point. Usually thieves patrolled this part of Skyrim.


At night especially, it was very common to come across a pickpocket. Waldo was thinking back to multiple times when he spied a few thieves that had all made independent thievery and by change had run into one another and gotten into a fight. In the end, the owners of the items that had been stolen found them and there was an all out brawl. At least ten guys were wrestling on the ground. Of course Waldo made the most of it and managed to take all the stolen goods and get away by the time they'd figured out what happened.

Speaking of thieves, just then a dark figure leaning behind a tree jumped out, brandishing a dagger.

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Shadow sighed heavily and leaned against the wall. Selene's reaction was more than surprising. He was expecting tears and screaming, maybe even the destruction of his possessions but none of it happened and he was glad for it.


"Vampires are real." He said and looked at the woman. He had no intention to tell that he was one to some stranger. Beautiful or no. "Luckily for you, however there is a cure." Shadow spoke as he went upstairs and returned with a small leather wrapped journal. He gave the book to Selene, inside where were the list of ingredients needed for a cure as well as instructions how to make it. From his own experience he knew that the cure not always works but he decided to skip that part too. "In this early stage the cure should work..." The vampire added.

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Selene looked at the book, flicked through the pages... and then dropped it on the floor next to her..."I.. i don't want a cure... i could be young forever... i could be like the vampires i read of in the books... it would be hard to explain to my father why i get no older... but this could be... it could be a blessing." Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Cyrus and his undead minions killed a few more bandits. "Of course I do, I am a Master at Necromancy. Do you think I would be as such without wanting to be?" He says. "I think you can handle yourself from here. I need to get back to town. I remembered some business I need to take care of."
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