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Legends of Tamriel


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Shadow looked at the woman with the raised eyebrow. "What?" He asked, not sure if he heard her correctly. Now Selene was vain in his eyes and quite lacking the subtlety too. She just blurted it out something like that to a complete stranger. He moved towards her and picked the journal up from the floor clearly annoyed that he is the one who had to pick it up. "Well you already know what's wrong with you and you seem quite content with the news too." He put the journal on the table near the other book and the scroll. "Is there anything else you need?"
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Selene shook her head and said "No... you have done enough... thank you, mysterious man... i will remember you. Good look with that scroll... i hope it's good news." She got up, and let her hair out of the huge coiffure she wore it in, her raven black hair tumbling down her back, she leaned over and kissed shadow on the cheek, "Thank you... for telling me the truth... i think i can live... or live in death with it, as it were." She walked to the door, and let herself out, walking briskly through Cheydinhall, back to the main gates, she got into the carriage with her father, and they headed back to the Imperial city.


After a few hours later, Selene and her father arrived, The Duke took to the market district, to make a deal with a merchant friend of his, and Selene went to the palace, to see her uncle.


As night fell, and Selene lay in her bed, she had a sudden excruciating pain, and then another, and another, until it felt as though her whole body was being torn apart from the inside, she tried to scream, but her voice would not work, she she died, silently in her bed.


The servants in the palace became very worried... it had been a whole day and she had remained locked away in her chambers... she was dead... although still walking... Selene's transformation into a vampire was complete, it was painful, and brought forth many tears of agony... but once it was over she noticed her skin was softer, colder, paler, she was stronger and faster... and her eyes had an unearthly glow to them. But lastly, as she felt around her mouth with her tongue, she found two needle sharp fangs....


After a few more hours of getting used to her new appearance, Selene changed into a black dress, and a black cloak, and made her way silently under night, out of the imperial city, she got a carriage, and set a path for skyrim.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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After a lengthly visit to her mother, having herself a new outfit crafted, and feeding, Selene made her way to Markarth, to investigate the rumors for herself, again by carriage, this time drawn by black horses, in a black carriage, it's windows blocked out by the black curtains. It stopped at the stables.
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Sara rushes over to Lord Cyrus, "Y-yes sir?" She says nervously.


Cyrus looks over at her and says, "You don't have to worry about me harming you. I don't shoot women on the spot. Only men. Women get banished at best. Now, I want the scout reports."


Sara nods, but as she was turning away, a scout runs up. "Sire, the emperor's Niece is in the stables!"


Cyrus looks amazed. "Have her escorted here, then! I do not want those bandits going after her!"


A horn is blown, and guards go to the stables. The guard captain steps up to Selene, and slams his fist into his chest as a salute. "Lord Cyrus wishes your presence at the Underkeep. We have been ordered to escort you,"

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The guard troops surround Selene, and start walking her up to the Underkeep. Before long, walking through the tall ancient stone buildings, they arrive at the underkeep, built into a mountain. The gigantic golden doors swing open, and the guard captain slams his fist intro his chest again. "Just go straight, your highness. You will find Lord Cyrus on the Mournful Throne. Good luck to you," The guard captain and his squad disperse to get back to other duties.
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Mirabelle said her farewells to the nobles and looked at the Counts dead body, lying on the floor. She realised that there were no legitimate claims to the counts throne and put herself up for election. Although she had helped with the killing she thought it be best to dispose of the body, peacefully, she cremated the man outside the castle, nobles, citizens and even outsiders came to watch the counts "funeral" They all seemed to look at Mirabelle as she spoke, she did not look back and only watched the body burn. She was filled with regret, she wished there was a better way, a more civil way, to her, murder, in all of its forms was a harsh and cruel thing to do.


That night, she slept in the Counts chambers, seen as nobody really cared, it didn't particulary matter. She woke up to see a maid...the woman approached her. " Morning miss." Said the maid. For a moment, she had no idea where she was, until she saw the banners of cheydinhal all over the room. " Uh...good morning..." She said, slightly confused. The maid brought her breakfast in bed, although this was a polite gesture it seemed almost..too polite. " What are you doing?" She asked.

" Im...doing my duties, as usual, your grace."

" Grace?....Im not..." She said, remembering what happened the previous day.

" Yes...well, goodbye miss, I have other duties." She said, leaving the room.

Mirabelle ate her breakfast, got dressed and walked into the throne chamber, still baffled, it couldn't of happened so fast? Or could it? She thought to herself.

Edited by AnotherAverageName
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Selene lifted up the end of her dress, her large, grey high heels revealed, as she walked up the steps, past the inactive Animonculi, and then to the throne room, standing at the bottom of the staircase, she looked up at Cyrus, and said in her soft voice "Is there a particular reason you had me brought here?"
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Lord Cyrus gracefully gets to his feet, and bows. "Why, because it is not often a legendary beauty such as yourself enters my humble kingdom, my lady." Cyrus walks fluidly down the steps toward Selene, bends down and kisses her hand. He notices how cold she is. "My word, you feel chilled. Perhaps you and I should go to the dining room? I keep a roaring fire there to warm up."
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