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Nuclear Union


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Seems a bit like Fallout and STALKER blended with Metro 2033...


Not that that's a bad thing, it just seems like they took three post-apocalyptic games and glued them together. I'll definitely watch this because it looks awesome so far.


Wait a second... 1962 to 2012 is 50 years, yet you play as one of the pilots who bombed the US? Assuming that the pilot was 20 when the mushroom clouds rose, that's a 70-year-old character you get to play as. I seriously hope there's some explanation for this later on, or it's a mistake on IGN's part. Or maybe the underground networks mentioned had some sort of cellular decay slowing agent so 70 is actually 40 or something.

Edited by Delikatessen
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looks great! soo sad gotta wait till after the end of the Earth, but at least i should have a new PC by then.


also, unless Russian numbers change when telling time, i didnt hear the Russian number for 3 through 7. now i cant speak russian, but i know how to count lol and i just didnt hear those numbers. hmmm confusing

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looks great! soo sad gotta wait till after the end of the Earth, but at least i should have a new PC by then.


also, unless Russian numbers change when telling time, i didnt hear the Russian number for 3 through 7. now i cant speak russian, but i know how to count lol and i just didnt hear those numbers. hmmm confusing


Russia spans across twelve time zones, they are seeing if those guys are alive.

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yea i was saying i didnt recognize the numbers for 3 through 7. as i said i cannot speak Russian, only count. and i didnt hear those numbers. it doesnt matter lol, i highly doubt they were speaking fake Russian lol.


also, 12 time zones? woah! interesting fact! :smile:

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  • 2 months later...

Mod DB says that the engine used for the game is:


Engine Gem3 is a powerful platform for developing games with the view from the third person. It includes:

- physical engine

- multimedia abilities (openAL support)

- 2D and 3D geometric libraries

- network libraries

- level editor


Component architecture of GEM3 objects permits to expand their functionality without limit, allowing any properties combination.


Flexible modular architecture permits to modify the structure and functions of the engine within wide limits, making changes in the user's code only. The embedded editor can be updated taking into consideration specific peculiarities of the product owing to creation of own extensions.


Embedded support of the outside libraries (separate licenses required):

* Miles Sound System, a multimedia library with rich functionality

* GameSpy, a global system of game servers registration



Edited by askong72
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