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Archery Armor


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Alright i have tried to do this but i simply can't.. i'm just not good at modding stuff no matter how many tutorials and videos i watch..but can someone make a mod with light armor that gives bonus to archery (peerless) and the boots muffle your sound preferably armor that looks like nightingale or dark robes
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The vanilla Nightingale boots already have the Muffle enchantment. If you don't want to enchant it yourself, I have Nightingale armor with Fortify Archery enchantments included in my Nightingale Hall mod. Both the Nightingale hood & gloves are available with a Fortify Archery enchantment, so you could have two pieces with that would increase your archery. This is a leveled set, so the enchantment will vary depending on what level your character is. At the highest level (56+), the hood is Fortify Archery 35%, and the gloves are also Fortify Archery 35% (plus Alchemy 22%). Edited by kryptopyr
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