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I need help with quest topics enabling objects/xmarkers


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Fallout New Vegas Geck


im trying to find out how to make an xmarker enable once a dialogue topic has been selected.


in the results script box ive tried using 1aambushref.enable and other various enable commands, but i still get operations failure script not compiled error


anyone know what im doing wrong? what do i need to type in results script box to make xmarker enable?

Edited by Mcdoye
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Please see the "Scripting" section of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article.

TIP: Best Practice - Do not begin Editor-IDs with numbers.


Thanks to madmongo and EPDGaffney of the Nexus Fallout "New Vegas GECK and Modders" forum for the basis of the following:

The GECK confuses Editor-IDs, script names, and variable names that begin with numbers for Form-IDs. They are not the same and scripts will fail to compile with (if using the GECK Power-Up plugin) messages to the effect it can't find the (perfectly valid) command. It's "best practice" to avoid prefixing anything with numbers. Do use a consistent naming convention, such as beginning Editor-IDs and variables with the initials of the mod, so they are grouped together in the GECK's lists by type making it easier to locate them for editing later.

When you create Forms for your mod, the GECK assigns them Form-IDs in sequence. This means in the "Object Window" right-hand pane, you can expand the (collapsed by default) column between the "Editor ID" and "Count" field labels so it shows the "Form-ID". You can <Click> on that field label to sort them. As your mod will likely have the last "mod index" of those currently loaded, your forms will be sorted to the top when sorted into "descending" order.


This does not mean you don't have other issues. But "1aambushref" is definitely a problem.



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