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How to control raise dead creature?


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How to control raise dead creature? How to make it stop followinfg player and the to make it follow player again. I Made it to controll summoned creatures. I did the following:


MinionActor.setActorValue("confidence", 4)

MinionActor.setActorValue("aggression", 1)

MinionActor.setActorValue("assistance", 2)

MinionActor.SetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer(), 3)

MinionActor.SetPlayerTeammate(true, false)


and apllied to it FollowPlayerPackage


Then I controlled it by MinionActor.setActorValue("waitingforplayer", 0) and MinionActor.setActorValue("waitingforplayer", 1)


That trick doesnt work on raised dead creatures.


Any idea?


Thanks in advance

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Reanimated actors are fubar. From the way they function, it appears they get added to some hidden alias somewhere by the Reanimate spell archetype. There doesn't seem to be any good way to over-ride the Reanimated AI packages that they are given.


I've tried disabling their AI to achieve a "wait" command, but they will still move around when you're out of the cell they're in so that doesn't even work.


Best way to get them to stop following you: kill them.

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Reanimated actors are fubar. From the way they function, it appears they get added to some hidden alias somewhere by the Reanimate spell archetype. There doesn't seem to be any good way to over-ride the Reanimated AI packages that they are given.


I've tried disabling their AI to achieve a "wait" command, but they will still move around when you're out of the cell they're in so that doesn't even work.


Best way to get them to stop following you: kill them.


Well thanks for the tip. Unfortunatelly I dont want to kill it. I want to command it. If I follow your advice it would mean I had to kill it, and then ressurect it as undead. But how to do it?

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There are a number of threads out there detailing similar issues with Conjured/Reanimated actors. You can look up some of my posts as I've commented/started a number of them.


I've seen this suggested: Kill it with a Kill() command then add it to the faction WINoCleanUp (I think thats the name). Any actors belonging to this faction don't get automatically cleaned up by the game after a few days.


That way you could tell it to "wait" and not have to worry about it disappearing before you came back for it.

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I guess they were mostly on the bethsoft forums :P


This thread talks about some crappy reanimate glitches. This one talks about trying to completely circumvent the reanimate system all together. Here's one about AI packages not working on commanded actors. And this mod claims to have a working "wait" command for reanimated actors. I haven't tested it and remain skeptical of its effectiveness.

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