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The new sword request competition


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Same as the old competition. Design a sword, show it here, and I'll make it if I like it.


If Anyone Goes Off Topic. I'm going to do whatever I can to get back on topic. Even if I have to go to extents such as reporting...etc.


But on serious matters, yeah design your sword and I'll draw it if I like it.



  1. Has to be your own design, no using already made designs!
  2. Stay on topic or else! I do not want people such coming in here and ruining this thread.
  3. If I like the design enough I might make different versions of it.
  4. List details of the design. I.E. Textures, type of sword, origin, name, etc.
  5. I said this once and I'll repeat, Stay on topic! And just so everyone knows the topic is the Sword request competition. Not any of the crap I saw on the last thread that caused it to close. Topic is SWORD request competition. If you want to talk about something else make a thread for it.

Follow these rules and we shouldn't have a problem. I really want to do this competition so please cooperate.

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well the handle is mad eof drowbone and the blade is a slivery metal that i made up for a book i am writing called "ADAMITHRIL"and it is cold to the touch. the gem in the center is a sapphyre stolen form the DROW QUEEN


the sword is so haevy that you normally need two hadns to hold it but the main character of my book is blesed by the drow so he is so strogn he can hold it in one hand

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well in my book it will be a longswrd but in the game is should be a claymorre


In any case, the next weapon I'd like to submit is the Sunweaponbane, a legendary sword indeed. It is forged from the same Adamithril as the Underblade, but is much stronger. Its crossguard and pommel are made of Bronze, with Gold decorations, and the handle is a dark red leather, wrapped diagonally around the blade. It is a longsword, I would think.\


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I whipped this up before realizing the mesh was complete garbage and I have no idea how to smooth it, but hey, at least I can officially say I can (incompetently) model.




It's a Tinted Silver Shortsword. (I made it a bit long... :sweat:) The handle is studded leather, with the tips iron. So is the handguard. The blade and spikes at the end of the handle are darkened silver.

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