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Can`t Load my Own Mod


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Title says it all and I need help.


Here`s the problem: I just created a new mod that basically enchants the version of an another mod (Omegared99 Armor Compilation: Battle Mage Robes) in Creation Kit. Problem is when I go to data files in skyrim launcher , it`s not there. Then I went to copy my new file to skyrim data and installed it with nexus mod manager , it did not work as well. I also heard you can create a skyrimcustom.ini file but I have no idea what to do with that.


Thanks in advance.

Edited by Menschenhass
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If you saved the mod, it will be in the data file.


But the better way to do this is to just edit the original mod. You won't be able to upload the result, but changing mods to suit your own tastes is cool.

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