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Okay last question and I wont post any more topics for a month


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my mod Glenvar castle says this when I try to activate it it says it will overwrite one or more existing esp activatiing this mod could cause serious problems with your game . Please uses the view conflict option to ensure this mod is not doing anything you dont expect it to do before you continue. Do you wish to be warned about file conflicts ? .


here is the file I am talking about http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/8235


can somebody plz help me I dont want to destroy my Oblivion game. I dont know whats wrong with this mod... I read the reviews for it and they were all postive.

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Edit - just re-read your post, it sounds like you already have Glenvar Castle installed. Check your data file for the esp. Edited by eric31415
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Unless you have something from some other mod already sitting on one of the locations that is changed by that mod it probably won't hurt anything. Glenvar's quests do change a few locations and I have had a problem with one in particular. It doesn't hurt anything, just some floating rocks.


However, just in case make a backup of your current data folder. (Copy it to a different location)


Note: The usual warning is a knee jerk reaction. The mods usually don't actually overwrite anything. Instead they append (add the new stuff to the folder without any affect to the older stuff)which is quite different.

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Ty It worked I just killed the Anceint one ( A vampire ) and it says to head to Ill omen inn to talk to Vilandor but hes not their ? I went back into castle and used noclip (Tcl) to get into the sanctom But Vilandors

not their either ? Is their some code I can use to tele him to me so I can complete quest and buy the Castle ? ( I am on the pc )

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Its times like this that I really realize how useless OBMM is in telling people what the hell is going on.


Post your current load order.


Nah,the OP could right-click on the omod and click "view data conflicts" but he/she just didn't know about it. :D You're reading this OP? Next time do that and it'll show you what files could be overwritten and to which omod they belong to.

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