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Any Cyberpunk games?


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I've been searching the internet for a while, looking for any Cyberpunk-ish games, but there doesn't seem to be anything for a Windows OS. I think I saw a few for DOS systems, but that's a little dated. I can't believe there haven't been more games like this; you'd think that a PC market would generate a lot of games in that style. Does anyone else know of any games in a cyberpunk/cybergothic style?
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The only ones I can think of are System Shock 1 and 2. System Shock 1 is normally a DOS game, but using the System Shock Portable mod allows it to run on Windows. System Shock 2 runs on Windows, but even with that it's recommended to get Kolya's SS2Tool to make it more compatible with modern Windows versions (SS2 was developed in the days of Windows 98/2000). I might post links later.
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whats that game that is being developed? its being based on the old pen and paper RPG Cyberpunk. idk if they are keeping the name for the game or not. but yea. i think there was a thread on it here somewhere.




here ya go. as i said, its in development, so you cant play it yet. but possibly something to look forward to.



i think the reason you dont see as many Cyberpunk games is more because its almost reality. depending on how far into the genre you go. people like to go into like Steampunk or Atompunk fantasies before they go into something involving computers.....


also a game called Watch Dogs showed at E3 is kinda sorta Cyberpunk. closer to the genre then anything weve had in a looong time. which also falls along the lines of what could be feasible today. but looked very cool none the less.

Edited by hoofhearted4
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Deus Ex? Anyone? I'm pretty sure that fits within the genre.


Unfortunately though, Cyberpunk really hasn't been a common genre for PC games. It usually ends up being future tech, space games, mech games, or very minimal on the cyber side of things.

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Good? Good? :o


Arcanum was amazing! :P


I enjoyed it even more than Diablo 2, seeing as it was more of an RPG like Baldur's Gate, as opposed to Diablo 2's more simplistic Hack 'n Slash nature. It's a bit dated, but if you can look past that it's a pretty good game.

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Arcanum? Rennn asked for cyberpunk, not steampunk. E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy is nice. Check out NeoTokyo (HL2 mod) and Syndicate too. (The latest Syndicate). But System Shock 2 is probably one of my all time favourites. Edited by Yoshh
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