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Saving takes too long


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Saving the game takes too long. When i manual/quick/auto save game freezes for like 10 seconds, i'm using CASM:NV because someone in this forum told me that quicksaves/autosaves can make save files bigger and sometimes cause problems. My save files are kinda big (8 mb) but i don't think it's causing the problem, because my fallout 3 and skyrim save files are like 15-17 mb (skyrim 17 and fo3 15) but they load/save faster (somewhere around 5 seconds). What can be causing this and how do i fix?

Edited by MrKeytil
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I stopped using CASM completely. I found it to cause way too many problems. A hard manual save by opening the menu after pausing the game is ALWAYS the best option. I have never used auto or quick saves and I almost never crash. Literally I can play FO3, FONV, Skyrim, or FO4 for 8 hours straight with zero crashes and my hard manual saves are instant.


That person who told you not to use auto or quick saves was correct, BUT, I will explain WHY they were correct.


Auto and Quick saves while easy, can create a HUGE mess. Here's why. When you pause the game and open the menu for any fallout or skyrim game, the game engine recognizes that and quite literally pauses the entire game, including any leveled lists or scripts being accessed, you save your game, and resume, and so does the games engine. NOT SO when you auto or quick save, nothing is paused and there lies the problem. You quick save and just as you do a script fires off, KABOOM, broken or corrupted script, this does not happen with a hard manual save.


My suggestion to you is to use the MCM version that does not include CASM, it's the one I use personally.

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No, as I said, auto and quick saves are a Bain to any player and should never be used ( IMHO )


What I do is I save before each fast travel, or before going through a door / cave entrance

Edited by gromulos
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try the stand alone MCM and see if that fixes the problem, if not then you have something else wrong as well




Make sure you Uninstall CASM first before installing the MCM stand alone

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if not then you have something else wrong as well



Mods maybe?

Project Nevada - Core.esm=1
Project Nevada - Equipment.esm=1
Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp=1
Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp=1
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp=1
JIP Companions Command & Control.esp=1
Container Exit Override.esp=1
JIP MiniMap.esp=1
The Weapon Mod Menu.esp=1
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ok 2 things wrong with that load order


You're not using YUP - the MOST beneficial glitch / bug eliminator for FONV - https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/51664


and you have a merged patch - that alone is probably why you are having so many problems, not sure who told you to use a merged patch but they told you wrong


my guide below - follow it step by step ( 1-3 and appendix 1 if needed ) pay special attention to the quotes from alternity and slarikran why you should NOT use a merged patch, they are 2 of the main contributors to Wrye bash ( which is where you get the bashed patch from that you SHOULD be using instead )



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