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Need help with "Better Vampires" mod


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First try opening the console, clicking on him, and typing "set.race nordrace" and see if that resets him.


If that doesn't work try using the console command "player.placeatme (steward's ID number)" to summon a new version of the steward and delete the old one by clicking on him and selecting "markfordelete". The new one should be the original iteration of the character.


There might be some other console command tricks you can use but these two seem the simplest fixes. It's also possible the character will reset after some time. I use the sacrosanct mod. I've turned a few Jarls into vampires but after a few days they tend to reset back to normal form (though the changed relationship status remains so they remain loyal).


However, I never got better vampires to work for me so I can't say for certain if these fixes will work.

Edited by WakahisaSensei
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