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[LE] Parent Activate an Oven


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I don't like the looks of the vanilla oven from Hearthfire. I cannot make my own oven, because CACO uses the vanilla ovens and certain recipes won't work with my own oven. Therefor I want to activate the vanilla oven from a separate activator. I've hidden the vanilla oven and set parent activate to the vanilla oven. Yet when I click it ingame, nothing happens.


On a side note, I have the same issue with a sawmill and a lever. The sawmill is also a furniture and the lever an activator. Same problem; the sawmill won't play its animation. The sawmill too is set to be parent activated by the lever.


So what am I getting wrong?

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  • 1 year later...

Did you ever work out how to do this? I want to do the same - have an invisible oven built into a player activated trigger, but it wont activate remotely.


And I cant make a copy of the oven and set "Is Marker" on it either, which works for alchemy and enchanting tables.

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To remotely activate a workstation, use the Activate function call via script. Just make sure that the workstation is not in the same cell as the player otherwise the player will warp to the workstation in order to play out the animation. Best to put the workstation in a custom non-linked interior cell.


You can create an activator or wrap a static in a trigger volume box set to behave as an activator to contain the script that calls the Activate function.

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Yes, that's what I was trying a few times and couldn't get it to work - but I double checked, I'd actually kept putting the linked ref on an invisible fx object that was getting in the way isntead of on the correct trigger! Doh

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