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Creating NEW Models


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I want to create new assets, to be more precise new building models

Can someone point me in the right direction - totourial, forum etc' that can guide me ?

Do I need to make new textures? new meshes? normal map?

How exactly can I do this ? If it's even possible..


Thank you :)

Edited by Avishays
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A new model is quite simple a new mesh and a new set of textures.

You will need:


Blender/Maya/3ds max/other 3d packages.

Photoshop/GIMP/Other 2d softwares.



Then you need a few plugins:

Nvidia plugin for Photoshop, if you use Photoshop.

.Nif plugin for the 3d package.


Sites to check out:







Just google these sites/forumes. I am not providing links for, well, security reasons.


Otherwise you can google for information on the important texture maps:

Specularity map

Normal map

Gloss map

Reflection map/Enviroment map


Then lastly you will need to work with the CK and Nifskope. For the toolkit you can just check out the wiki from Bethesda.

Nifskope, on the other hand, is a little more clunky. That will require trial and error, reading the wiki and reading in the forums.


Lastly you can always ask for specific topics on the forum. I know of at least 5 modders around here that knows what they are doing, and I am personally aways active.




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