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Seeking the Best Modders


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Hi fellow Skyrimmer's,


First of all I'd like to say how much I love the Elder Scrolls series.


As someone who's worked in the video game industry as a designer/project manager it's the game series I'd wished I could gave worked on.


In the past I've been responsible for scriptwriting , audio/video/motion capture recording amongst many other things.


Unfortunately I wasn't lucky enough to be able to have worked on the ES series but thankfully Bethseda have given us all the opportunity and power to use the Creation Kit to add, improve or totally change the ES series of games.


Now we're moved on to SR, with it's improved graphics etc. I thought I'd 'advertise' for a team of modders to join me in creating a few, immersive, useful and believable mods as a team.


Just to illustrate the direction I'd like to go...


I'm more of a “Let's create a 'Canoe mod', . A set of canoes that can be crafted, and the player can traverse the rivers of SR” rather than the usual, and, in my opinion, boring mods, for example “I've created an enormous sword/gorgeous companion/etc.


Therefore I would be grateful, and pleased, if some of the more experienced modders would get in touch to see whether they'd like to work with me on the many ideas I have to improve an expand the SR experience.


Here's a simple mod challenge for you guys willing to be involved....


The Giant's Causeway. For those of you who aren't from the UK and may not know, it's a rock structure between Northern Ireland and Scotland that is an amazing sight. Formed out of hexagonal stones (and shown on the Led Zeppelin IV Album cover) it's a real, but fantastic, geological phenomenon. Suggest a google.





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