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I need advice regarding editing exterior cell landmasses


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I decided to edit a mod for my personal use, flattening the ground to make it easier to build on with RTS. Things seem to be going along fine until I inspected my work in-game.




I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to editing landmasses so I don't know how to fix this or at least how to avoid this.

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Also, while this might appear to be the result of a landscape retexture (or LoD) gone bad, where two areas of land don't meet in a way that allows the textures to blend, or are of adjacent cells and are assigned by different mods, it is not actually landscape textures causing the problem: it's vertex shading. One cell quadrant has the artificial landscape shadows (vertex shading) and the opposite side does not. Please see the 'Lines in the Ground' entry of the TESTG "Troubleshooting" page.



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Seeing as that patch of land is supposed to be flat and I can walk through the low texture parts, I'm guessing it's an LOD issue. Though is there an alternative way to generate LOD aside from using the GECK? When I try to generate LOD myself, the program "stops responding" and I'm having a hard time justifying leaving PC on for something for hours without knowing it's actually doing what I want it to do.




Okay. I went and test the mod again, even though I didn't complete my previous attempt at generating LOD, the issue is thankfully fixed now so thank you for the advice.

One more though, I want back up those files just in case I ever to rebuild my game again. What are files that I am looking for and where can I find them?


Also, I still would like to know an alternative to generating LOD aside from the GECK if there is one. Again thanks for the advice.

Edited by TheWatchman
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Yes, there are alternatives. Please see the "LOD/VWD Overview" page on "The Elder Scrolls Texture Guide (TESTG)" site. The "FNV" version of "TES4LODGen" is "FNVLODGen".

If you add any VWD/LOD textures (such as NMC or Ojo Bueno or your own custom ones), please see the 'Checklist Item #15 & 16' entries in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide regarding the need to run both TES4LL and FNVLODGen. Also recommend you read the 'LOD/VWD Texture Packs' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article first.


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