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If you want a really extensive vampire mod, I might suggest Belua Sanguinare Revisited. I'm a little biased though. Right now, however, we simply don't know how compatible we'll be with DG because it's not out on PC and the knowledge of how they implement it is unknown to us until they release it and, hopefully, the CK updates.


Belua Sanguinare Revisited.



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Skyrim Monster Mod is pretty good. The monster mod is the closest to an overhaul I have I think. It adds a bunch of new types of monsters to the game that are actually really dangerous early on and you WILL have to run for your life or risk getting paralyzed and beaten to death. I like the added danger and that I can't kill every single creature in the wild from level one, maybe you're not into that though. Adding that mod on my second playthrough has added a lot of excitement.


Apocalypse Spells is great for anybody and out of all the spell mods I've tried, it's by far the most unique and interesting. The spells give you new ways to play as a mage or any kind of character with the variety of spells. They aren't just "Increase damage, add extra effects, make it look cooler" type spells, they really give you strategic options for being a caster and make you feel like a mage scholar instead of just some yahoo who can fling fireballs at people like you're throwing rocks. Best of all probably 80-90% of the spells are actually balanced. It's remarkable compared to how overpowered most spell packs are.


It's also one of the only magic mods frequently updated still. Midas and another big one are outdated and seem to no longer be worked on.




The tweaks I recommend, I wouldn't want to play without these anymore, some are animation tweaks as well:


Some of these aren't exactly what you're looking for but have gotten me into 400+ hours of gameplay so it's about as good eh?





Arrow Tweak 25% speed increase (Makes it so you can't freaking catch arrows shot at you in midair, flattens the trajectory too, maybe a bit too much but it's still alright)



Arrowsmith (There are a few mods for this, you can just search "arrow" and probably find one you're looking for on Nexus)


Closer Quiver and Arrows (Visual, Makes it so Quivers aren't floating a foot away from your back :P and lengthens arrows to realistic proportions, allows you to pierce completely through enemies and that is just awesome)



Casual Bow Animations (Visual animation fix, Because you don't want to look like an ape whenever you're running with a bow in 3rd person)







Apocalypse Spells (Gave you some info above)



BetterMagic (Magic gets stronger with perks, makes it so it's actually viable past novice difficulty)






3rd person duel wield graphics fix and animation edit. (Visual animation fix, So you won't be spazzing around whenever you turn. For anybody who doesn't want to be a ninjatard 24/7)







AlchemyEnhancedXP (Alchemy levels like 20% faster so it's less annoying. I go through Alchemy on about a dozen characters so this is needed :P)



HeavyArmorPerks (Buffs heavy armor to be as useful as light armor basically, since light armor can become as strong as heavy and have better perks like the stamina regen, this edits around heavy armor perks to make it as viable as light armor in it's own way)



Two Handed Perks change (Same as HeavyArmorPerks, just basically makes two handed weapons as viable as one handed and adds some individual flavor to them)








dD Enhanced Blood Textures (Oh lord do I highly recommend this. You'll truly feel like you're stabbing people through with arrows or slicing them to bits, the graphics are simply beautiful. Wounded enemies will spurt blood as they crawl from you, very realism friendly, updates often)



dD Realistic Ragdoll Force (Again, highly recommend if you love realism and made from the same guy above, he makes awesome mods. A stealth kill with a seated enemy will leave them remaining in their chair, a charging enemy dropped by an arrow may continue moving towards you after they die, it's just beautiful watching enemies collapse)



Categorized Favorites Menu (Highly recommended for anybody, this is great and offers an extreme amount of customization once you learn how to edit it, really needed for mage characters)



Bowlegged Jump Fix (Self explanatory animation fix, the default jump looks silly)



Glowing Ore Veins (So you can actually see your ore :P)







Lost Art of the Blacksmith (Adds missing armor/weapons to craft-ability, very lore friendly, the second mod edits blacksmithing perks so they work with all the new items for tampering and such)




Smash Locks and Doors (Pretty self explanatory, your weapon skill allows you to whack open locked doors/locks. This really should have been in the vanilla game. Great immersion wise for warrior type characters who don't want to fiddle around with girly lockpicks.)



Bandolier Bags and Pouches (Adds craftable bags and pouches to hook on yourself, every game I start off by collecting the materials needed to make a pouch or two immediately, just love this mod)






Kind of Overhauls:


Skyrim Monster Mod



Ultimate Followers (Makes using followers not suck, uncaps limits on them, adds a bunch of options, can add/remove any items, etc, etc. I had some bugs with it but reloading saves fixes them all)





Creatures of the Night:


I went for simple with these since Dawnguard will be editting them. There are some nice overhauls for both, especially vampires but they changed a little too much for my taste and feel like it'll conflict with the soon to be expansion so I just added mods that tweak them a bit.



Werewolf Enhancer (Simply makes werewolves useful at all levels, might be a bit overpowered but the best compromise I found for a werewolf mod)



Realistic Werewolf sounds (You'll get chills when you attack or use a werewolf power, I love this)



Female Werewolves (Just for realism, I swear :P Visual, They are a bit smaller than males I believe and have boobies)






Vampire Upgrade (Again just some tweaks to make vampires more interesting/viable)



Bottle That Blood (Allows you to bottle human or animal blood to consume later, if you fast travel around as much as I do, this is highly necessary to not make being a vampire an annoying hassle)



Vamp face fix (Visual, So you aren't crispy looking)










I worry that none of these are being worked on frequently anymore (Latest updates are like 2 months old) but I enjoyed them for a while. They all seem in beta and I haven't seen them updated recently to fix some small problems they have (Seams and such). The children drow are pretty fun but you will need to edit the voice they use in the Creation Kit or they won't have a lot of sounds (Breathing while running and from stamina depletion, coming up for air from under the water, Eagle Eye, shouts, etc).


The problems they have weren't really game breaking but I'm no longer playing any of them because they annoyed me enough. Especially sad about the Ashen race problem that I have since I love their look.




Ashen -


(Really love the customization options with these, work amazing with the color slider mod to add some really impressive looking characters. I had a bit of trouble with fps using this mod for some reason and although I usually have 60 fps constantly with normal races, using this race causes my game to stutter when I turn. It bothered me enough in comparison to using vanilla races that I no longer use it since it ruins the flow of combat.


Not sure if it's a problem on my side or not, I didn't even notice it until I started using vanilla races again and then I couldn't unsee the problem. They probably use pretty high quality packs and there's no lower quality version.)




Drow -


(Really cute, the children move incredibly slow because of their size though and I had to edit it a speed enhance tweak for them as well as fix their voice clips from YoungEager to EvenToned because the lack of sounds bothered me)




Teenager Races -


(Love this for roleplaying, start off as a teen instead of an adult. Not much to say about this really but I like this mod a lot.)



Temptress Race -


(Quickly becoming popular for obvious reason, I will probably not use it though because the powers are a bit OP and having a race that just exists to be beautiful is kinda silly in my opinion, but if you're into it you may want to check them out.)







Well I just pretty much went through my entire mod list of things I felt were necessary to my immersion and gameplay. There is a HUGE list of armors/weapons/character visual mods that I have and would also highly recommend but that's more a "To each their own" type deal and you can find those easily enough by searching through the most downloaded files in each category on Nexus Mods. I'm sure you've found what you want in that department (The nude department)



I know I added a lot of things that you didn't specifically ask for but as I said, these mods have greatly increased the amount of time I've been playing so it's just as good for me. There really aren't that many mods out yet and you can easily find the best ones by searching through the file categories for the highest downloads. In a year or two it'll be more difficult to decide but for the most part, there's only one or two mods for any given thing to choose from atm.

Edited by Killerwolf1010
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Apocalypse Spell Package is really good, but - and I know I'm biased here - if you're looking to change your gameplay experience, Revenge of Colette is pretty much unparalleled among Magic Mods; it's a total gameplay changer while changing very little at all. It works in synchronicity with, rather than in place of, the vanilla spells and it adds a very immersive set of miniquests and exploration to accomplish these things.
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Apocalypse Spell Package is really good, but - and I know I'm biased here - if you're looking to change your gameplay experience, Revenge of Colette is pretty much unparalleled among Magic Mods; it's a total gameplay changer while changing very little at all. It works in synchronicity with, rather than in place of, the vanilla spells and it adds a very immersive set of miniquests and exploration to accomplish these things.


Haha when I read this I was like "Okay, I haven't heard of that mod even though I regularly go through the downloads of each category and look out for new mods...this guy is biased because he created the mod, didn't he?" then I saw your signature e.e The name makes it seem like it's a Restoration school only overhaul lmao. It looks a bit weak in terms of content to me atm.


May I recommend that you edit the video better to more quickly show the spell effects? It's a bit sloppy and the music could put people off. I found Apocalypse videos (Ones that show each individual spells, though the highlights one was alright too) were done really nicely and it's why I originally downloaded the mod over some others. Nice clean: "This is the mod name/description image, this is the mod in immediate action" type deal, rinse and repeat for each spell.


Good videos demonstrating a good mod = download and use. Bad videos demonstrating a good mod = how the hell would I know it's a good mod? Really important with spell packs and things that effect combat in my opinion..

Edited by Killerwolf1010
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If it looks a 'bit weak to you' in terms of content, then you're missing the point; complexity and versatility are what are pushed, not raw spell amounts. The mod has a very high endorsement to view ratio, and it has it for a reason. There's also a fair amount of dialogue from my users labeling it their "favorite" or "best" spell mod. Now, I'm not disputing the quality of Apocalypse, because it does have quality - I continue to recommend it on my own mod's front page for a reason. I wouldn't be as bold to even state that I believe TRoC to be the best spell mod on the site - I certainly strive for that goal, but I wouldn't put myself in a position to say whether it is or not.


I will, however, emphatically repeat that it is a game-changer far more than any other spell mod, due to its dedication to both unique mechanics and adventure immersion. The design philosophies between Apocalypse and Revenge of Colette are different, and every single one of the seven stances is essentially four conditional spells just by itself. (Power Attack, Meditation, Unleash, Passive Benefit). There is no other magic mod I am aware of which remotely facilitates hybridization like TRoC, which had to create an entire new system to support it.


The video needs work, yes; it was a 'quick' video thrown together showing a -specific- new feature through several attempts at shooting between coding, and was a preview of the upcoming mod. It could definitely be edited for tightness, but at the same time simply showing the spell effects does not adequately show the overall conceit of the system as a combo-builder and release set-up. I'm working on another video representing the mod as a whole, and it takes a long time to get a lot of good footage.


Oh yeah, I'll add in - the mod's recommended by ASIS for a reason. TRoC's on ASIS's front page. Go check.

Edited by AstralFire
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Getting off topic here so I'll simply say:


I'm not looking for a an explanation from you, I offered my opinion and I don't care if you think it's wrong. If you want to "prove me wrong" make a better video or improve your mod, don't write out a paragraph to me about how you think your mod is amazing and people love it, I will avoid it like the plague. You can disagree with me but you can't tell me my opinion of your mod is wrong. It's my opinion.


Me saying it looked weak in terms of content to me was not meant for the amount of spells but how interesting/refined I thought they were. I'm not downloading your mod because the video didn't show me anything that interested me enough, nor did your description of the mod entice me.


If it bothers you that people will think the way I do about your mod in comparison to spell packs like Apocalypse, then you should change things about it, if it doesn't then don't, that was all I was trying to get across. If our roles here were reversed, I would have simply responded to my post with "Yep, the video sucks right now and doesn't show most the spells, I'm working on a better one so I hope you check it out when it's done!"

Edited by Killerwolf1010
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Maybe it's just something about a mod creator recommending his own mod that I find extremely silly. Or maybe it's the author of said mod thinking that anybody who doesn't like his mod is "Missing the point" of the mod that I'm having trouble with here. Clearly the only people who don't like his mod are people who can't understand it's true glory. Or you know, maybe it's just not that interesting (Yet ;)) Edited by Killerwolf1010
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