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I Need Help With my Oblivion Crashing. Help!


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Hello everyone,


First of all I wanted to say hello, I am new to this forum. Now on to my question,


I recently installed the mod "Crowded Cities" And realized my game crashes when I fast travel to Anvil, and some other locations. I deleted the mod, and this problem still occurs.


Here are the steps I have tried to troubleshoot it with,


  • Uninstalled the mod completely
  • Uninstalled, and reinstalled Oblivion GoTY
  • Used a different save (incase the save was corrupted)+-


My load order (the mods I currently use) is


00 lux mea.esp (weapon)


A Crudious Companion Orc

An Infamous Alternative Start






Glenvar Castle

Kvatch Aftermath

Midas Spells

real chest of armor

Reznod Mannequin


ren beauty pack

Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.7.2


Those are all the mods I have enabled. I would thank somebody so much if they could help me figure this out, If you have any answers or any concerns please reply. Thanks


(This started happening RIGHT after I installed crowded cities)

Edited by Chrisroxdye
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Do you also get the crash if you don't fast travel?


- Edit - Which version of Crowded Cities did you install ... a quick search turned up 5 at Oblivion Nexus, some for Open Cities, some not.

Edited by Striker879
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Hmm, thanks Striker. It doesn't crash when I manually go to the city. (Skingrad crashes as well when I fast travel, but I assume if Anvil didn't Skingrad won't).


Do you have any idea why it crashes upon fast travel? Fast travel is a big conveniency. (as we all know)


- Edit - Crowded Cities 12 by Bwkwrm, and I also tryed Crowded Cities improved by prettyfly -

Edited by Chrisroxdye
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From Crowded Cities Improved mod description:

Crowded Cities for Open Cities Reborn V1

If you install this without Open Cities Reborn V1 good things are not likely to result, though reading through the rest of the mod description leaves with some doubt as to whether or not a non-open cities version may be included with the extracted download (I didn't download and extract to check it out).


A cursory check of the mod description and comments for Crowded Cities 12 doesn't turn up much of troubleshooting value ... one comment back in Sept 2010 by BigTambo about crashing but the proposed solution doesn't seem like one that would apply for you.


Something you could try with your save from after you uninstalled both mods completely (no esp left in Data, no files or folders left that were installed by either mod unless they are also required by another mod) is to open the console (using the tilde (~) key on standard keyboards) and type in 'coc center' (without the quotes) and hit Enter. You'll be transported to an open plain with some trees in the distance. Use the game Wait menu to wait for 72 hours plus a bit (three full days and then a bit more). Open the console and 'coc weye' to return to Cyrodiil. See if you can fast travel to one of your known trouble spots.

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What type of saves are you working from (i.e. autosaves, quicksaves, saves from the Esc menu or named saves from the console)?
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A little advice on the subject of saves. Quicksave is a known corrupter of save files ... avoid using it at all. Autosave also has a bad reputation, but it is more known as a crash causer. Many disable autosaves all together (I myself leave them enabled). The only two reliable ways to save using vanilla methods is either what I call manual saves (those you get from the Esc menu) and named saves using the console. Never overwrite manual saves (always save to a new slot) ... same with named saves. When the menues start to get sluggish either delete some old saves or move them to a folder outside of the 'Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves' folder (e.g. 'Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\MySavesBackup').


I tend to save every hour or so of gameplay time now that my game saves have become stable and reliable, but at first I saved more often. Every few hours I save and exit to desktop, and then restart if I'm going to continue to play.


If it was an auotsave you loaded before you attempted the 'coc trick' you are probably snookered now ... you'll need to go back to an earlier save. Whatever type of save you are starting from it won't hurt to load the save and then immediately make a named save for testing. Open the console and type 'save <MyNamedSave>' (without the quotes or brackets) and hit Enter.


Times that I've used the 'coc trick' myself required me finding the 'right' prior save to start from (I was having a crash problem with one of Vilja's quests). It took some trial and error but eventually I was able to complete that quest and I still use that character today. Hopefully you have some prior saves to test.

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Do you have any old saves, from back before you first tried any of the Crowded Cities mods that you could test fast travel (trying to determine if you have something from the Crowded Cities corrupting your saves)?
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