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I Need Help With my Oblivion Crashing. Help!


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I loaded it from a save before I installed the mod, and it fixed. Now my current (After installed) save works when fast traveling. I'm not sure how, but it's fixed.


Thanks for all your help Striker, you have been a great person for researching and helping me through this

Kudos Given


Edited by Chrisroxdye
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Thanks for reporting back. While I like to be able to say 'how' something got fixed I'm always dedicated to the bottom line ... and that is getting it fixed. You were persistent yourself ... that's something any good troubleshooter needs to have.


While kudos are certainly appreciated, it's the simple 'thank you' that keeps me motivated (that and having a problem for my brain to gnaw on ... thank you for letting me 'borrow' yours).

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