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Variant textures for single mesh?


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I haven't dug too much into the CK yet, but it seems as though one mesh can have various different textures applied to it in order to make variations of clothing or armour (like the robes for example). From what I know of .nif files it needs a path to a specific texture. Is there something else in the CK that can be used to point to a different texture using the same mesh file for a given item? Or or is there something specific in the .nif that allows this to be done?
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not without SKSE...and that functionality is not ready yet...and for the looks of it it will be a long time until we have something comparable to OBSE


only way atm is to make different meshes for all variations

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Uhm. There is.


What you want are TextureSets. They are items in the CK that basically hold a set of textures each (as in diffuse map, normal map, specular map whatever your nif needs). You will need a seperate TextureSet for each color variation for your clothes or whatever sou are making 8but you can reuse the same normal map for example).


The Texture Sets get applied to the nif when you create the armoraddon entry. On selecting the file path to the nif you can select the Texture set which is to replace the texture that is stored in the nif. There's a list of entries and you need to rightclick or dozbleclick to get to a list of Texture Sets to choose from.


Sorry, I don't remember the excact steps... I'm sure google will find some more answers.

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