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Give a perk right at the beginning


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Yep I thought after that it was ABOVE the MarkForDelete line... what a dick am I... I think the line is, at least for the engine on which are running Oblivion/Fallout 3 and NV, and also prior to those, true and stays true. Maybe on Skyrim engine it is false, but I also think that no mod is changing the CasualHardcore Script, appart from Alternative Start just to add a Disable line, But I don't know all the mods on FNV Nexus. I don't think my mod would be conflicting, but before releasing it if I do that, I'll search for a way to do another way of editing CasualHardcore Script.

To add activators by hand would just be very long and fastidious to do, but not difficult. I'm just lazy right now because it's for me. I would do better for a public use. If I add activators, it would be so easy to put the same script every point of spawn placed by Alternative Start. Or else I could script something to replace the activator where the player spawn, as a patch of compatibility for the mod. I don't know now, I'll think of it.

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LOL your not a dick ... but I might have come across as one ... sorry bout that :confused:


But hell ya , if the mod is just for yourself , I say no worries editing what ever to get the job done :thumbsup:

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