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I could use an assist...

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I'm going to start this off by explaining why I want to do this.


Yesterday morning I received a call from my Father that my Uncle had died. It has been really rough for me, and I don't have much to remember him by which makes it worse. What I want to do though, is make a mod in memory of him, I know, this could come across as a bit strange if you don't know anything about my Uncle. He was an avid gamer, and in particular, he loved the TES series and Dungeons and Dragons.


He always played a battle-mage type character in TES and I had started with this idea when he was first diagnosed and told he had about a year, this was two months ago, so I thought I might have been able to organize at the very least the armor done and in game so he could see that and play a character that used it, and now it has become more of an in memorial kind of deal for me, as well as a bit of personal drive. The idea initially was to make some armor that accommodated a battle-mage character that incorporated some visual aspects from his favorite armors/outfits in the game.


Those armors were:



-Dragon Plate

-Wizard Robes

-Ebony Armor


He usually played while wearing some combination of those but had always wanted to be able to recolor them and blend certain aspects off them together, which was the idea (based on the conversations him and I have had about Skyrim).


Over the course of planning this out, I decided I wanted to try and do a little more after the armor had been done. He used to come over every weekend to play D&D with us, and occasionally he would DM. When he did this, he always brought in one of his old D&D characters named Ozzley as the quest giver. The best part about this character was that he was a human Wizard that had been granted three wishes, the wishes he asked for were: "I want to be immortal in the true sense of the word!" This not being a true wish, the response was "Granted, but you will forever be a man of great physical age." After that, "I wish I could traverse the Planes freely!" This response was "Granted, but you won't actually know where you are ending up." And his last wish "I wish I had all the knowledge of every school of magic in existence across all the Planes!" The response: "Granted, but you are the most absent minded being in existence."


In the end what you got was a very kind old wizard that was never quite sure where he was and remembered just enough to both potentially bring you to great treasures, but also left half finished spells and alchemy experiments laying around his tower that might turn you into a chicken, or a rat, or make living creatures within sight of you fall so madly in love with you that they mistakenly attack you because they feel they have to have you. As well as all other manner of bizarre happenings.


Sadly, I can remember exactly how the armor should be, and I can do the textures (although I lack the ability to do any modeling), but in a stupid fit of being upset deleted all notes about actual story last night.


All I am really asking for here is for help from someone that knows modeling to help me make the armor. Other than that, if anyone else is willing to help me with getting an actual story made to accompany it, I would be forever in your debt and would help you in any way possible in the future if you need it. And obviously, anyone that does help will be credited.


Many thanks to anyone who took the time to read and consider this request for assistance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Firstly, I'm really sorry for your loss, and don't worry about explaining, I've done some very odd-seeming things in memory of the departed myself.


Surprised this thread has no replies, unless you've had offers by PM of course.


I cannot offer to help with modelling (like you I can only texture), but if you are still doing this if I can help in any other way then I will be more than happy too.


Personally, I'm really interested in the idea of the 'kind but somewhat batty' old wizard, his tower, and the random artefacts/potions/spells etc. I could help in getting this part together with you if you like.


I don't want to blow my own trumpet but I think I'm pretty good at interiors, if you'd like to see my work please have a look at this mod of mine, it's not super-popular in terms of d/l's but I think the comments and rate of endorsement say a lot.


Feel free to PM if you want to discuss.

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Wow, I love the look there, I would really like to discuss this in a bit more detail and can likely get some plans made for a building. I'll PM you about it.
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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah man that sucks, sounds like your uncle was awesome. I wish more of my family was gaming-social.


He was the only family I had that was a gamer in that sense, although my dad plays quite a few shooter games. Tetradite has been working on an awesome tower area for this mod idea, I just wandered around there in game and it is awesome so far, it actually reminds me of what I uncle described whenever he talked about Ozzley's tower. :)

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