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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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  1. 1. Where should the RP take place? (CLOSED)

    • Capital Wasteland
    • Mojave Wasteland
    • NCR Territory
    • New York Ruins/Wasteland
    • I have a different idea (Please post this idea in the thread if chosen)

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Ah well. If we REALLLLY want them to do it, we can make them go off into private, and then we could make them do it via PM. Legitimately private, and it's not like TV shows where they go into a bedroom, time advances, they come out ina ll of 30 seconds.
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the private message sex or the spoiler sex? I'm confused.


Also fun fact to any fans of the Uncharted series:


anyone notice my character's named after the Angtagonist and Protagonist of Uncharted 3?


Catherine, the Antagonist, Drake, as in Nate's last name.

Edited by DemonLady
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Wait, you meant the sex thing. Durr herr.. Thought you meant ANSWER the PM you SENT. See how confused I was? x.x

Edited by DemonLady
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Name: Zane Adler


Gender: Male


Age: 36


Race: German


Karmic Alignment: Neutral (Lawful Neutral)


Appearance: Zane is about 5’ 10” in height, and about 155 pounds in weight. He has short, dark brown hair, and green eyes. He’s quite tan, and average in body shape. He has no visible scars, not that you can see much of his skin, as it usually covered in a layer of dust.


Clothing/armor: Zane wears the typical Scavenger outfit; which consists of a baseball cap with dust goggles, a dishwater scarf wrapped around his neck, a photographers vest worn over a long coat, with pouches sown on the sleeves, a leather apron with more pouches sown onto that, faded blue jeans, and finally black leather motorcycle shoes.



Skills/Occupation: Scavenger/Metalworker. Can repair things, but not as good as a Mechanic. From scavenging, his lock picking skills are incredibly good, but his computer hacking, is not.


Starting Weapon: A makeshift Metal Crossbow that was made with his metalworking skills, with a air compressor build into the side to shoot the metal arrows farther, and harder. Also carrying a small knife he carry's in a leather sheathe on his thigh.


Personality: Zane can be quite the character, normally speaking his mind when he need too. He has a pretty sarcastic sense of humor, and can usually find him trying his hand at jokes. But mostly, keeps to himself about those. Zane can be quiet at first around people who he first met, but once trust and friend ship sets in, he returns to his sarcastic self.


History/Background: Zane was born in the safety and comfort of Rivet City. His father was a traveling trader, who got most of his supply's by scavenging around DC and the nearing areas. His mother, worked around to whatever jobs most suited her at the time. Normally, this meant cleaning and other dirty jobs. However, she got enough pay to support Zane and herself, as his father was never really around to raise him. When his father did return from his travels, he normally had about almost had a full bag of them. Enough so that his mother could stop working for about a couple months, before she had to start working again.


After a many years like this, Zane finally turned 10. He could finally start traveling with his father to learn the skill of trading, and scavenging. His mother at first denied Zane from ever leaving the safety of Rivet City, only to however, to just accept the fact that Zane was going to be just like his father. Shortly after turning 11, Zane and his father embarked their journey southward, to Virgina to gather more supply's down there as DC was almost already empty from the amounts of scavengers there. Making their way downward, they finally reached the city bound to have supply's and more importantly, ammo. Richmond. After the first few days, Zane and his fathers bags were pretty much full with everything that could sell with a profit back at DC. Only, after shortly leaving Richmond to be robbed at gunpoint, and his father shot to death in front of him. After the incident, Zane gathered his fears and sorrow behind him, and actually walked back to Richmond, to fill up both of Zane's and his fathers bags.


Leaving Virgina, and making his way back to DC, he met a particular fellow, named Daniel. Zane could never remember his last name, but what was important about him, was that he was a makeshift metalworker. He had his homemade forge to make and bend metal to make weapon parts from scrap metal. However, Zane learned how to create an entire weapon and ammo from it. This, was when he made the Metal Crossbow and arrows, that he still uses this very day. Sadly, he could only stay with Daniel for so long, as he was extremely overdue to see his mother again back at Rivet City. After leaving Daniel, and finally making it back to DC, Zane arrived to a happy and over joyed mother. However, this didn't last long as she questioned to where his father was. Zane could only hide his emotions when he saw his mother collapse into painful sobs. He missed him deeply too, but he couldn't let this effect him now. After trading the items he got, Zane managed to make his own forge. Where he could practice the metalworking. Of course, this came to use after he had about a year under his belt. He could use the scrap metal that was building up to make repairs to the already almost destroyed city.


Zane stayed at Rivet City until he was about 30 years old, and after his mother passed away from unknown sickness, nothing was keeping him there. And so, Zane set out to explore the, what was left of, United States. He had explored mostly the Eastern Coast, but soon afterwards, he headed inland across the country. Once he managed to get as far as he could go, he turned back around and headed back to DC. Of course, he met a lot of friendly people along the way, but he also met some cruel people. Zane could take care of himself however, and he could continue on what he loved. Exploring the world to find it's hidden treasures amounts the ruins of the Apocalypse.

Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Just saying guys, the Legion Frumentarius is a temporary, minor character. he won't need a character sheet, as he will only appear in the story for a small time once in a while. Edited by Flipout6
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Name: unknown


Age: unknown


everything else: unknown


There's the Frumantarii's character sheet. :P

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I have to get off for the night. I can possibly manage one more post, but I'm not sure. It's good to be RPing with people who can keep the RP chugging, but for now just assume Versing guards the camp all night. Thanks!



Lolz, and yes, I suppose that is the Frumentarii's character sheet. You guys are great, btw!

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I have to get off for the night. I can possibly manage one more post, but I'm not sure. It's good to be RPing with people who can keep the RP chugging, but for now just assume Versing guards the camp all night. Thanks!



Lolz, and yes, I suppose that is the Frumentarii's character sheet. You guys are great, btw!


Why, Thank you! It is good to RP with people that keep the RP chugging as well!


Demon Lady, I offer you a chance if you feel you can handle a second RP character, go to My rp. Legends of Tamriel. I will give you Tina, and you can date Sara the Steward :D Just copy paste Tina's stat sheet for yourself, and I will edit it out of my posts. Speaking of posts, your post

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