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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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  1. 1. Where should the RP take place? (CLOSED)

    • Capital Wasteland
    • Mojave Wasteland
    • NCR Territory
    • New York Ruins/Wasteland
    • I have a different idea (Please post this idea in the thread if chosen)

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Yes so the whole vendetta/revenge thing has been there all along. Removing it now would be kind of strange and remove the main driving point for the armory we have been talking about on and off.


And making attacks on peoples characters calling them op and saying they killed 900 soldiers when there has been no mention of that is just plain wrong. If you have a problem with somebodys character, pm them instead of making small personal attacks in this thread and try to work out an agreement. We have already almost lost one rp'er due to this and i would hate to lose more over minor things like this.


And baldur, i read back on your post about the legion being in the wasteland and seeing how big their territory reaches, well outside of the mojave, there is a small, very small, possibility of them acutaly expanding out this far. Maybe coming in small groups and not the entire legion yes, but still a slim chance.


And i have never tried to drive the plot or make morgan seem like "the guardian of the wastes" no way, i only make morgan the ordinary guy who has a troubled past and gets dragged into adventure. Not being the vault dweller who goes out and kicks rear on an everyday basis, i keep that for my fan fics.


Now if you want to discuss this further you can contact me on steam or through a message here on the nexus, im always open for discussion and i would hate to see this grind to a halt due to some thinking that certain points in the plot of the rp are dumb and should be removed.


So if you want to discuss something like a sensible adult, message me. Don't sit on this thread and bicker about it. You can find me on steam as Miros the moddeR if you want fast replies.


That is all.


Thank you for reading this post and have a good day.

Edited by MikeRyan
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if it makes you happy sarina is now not only nerfed but shes damn near dead. i had to push this ahead sooner then me and mike had planned but since everyone's accusing me of ruining the rp we figured this was a better solution.
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We hade planned for bloods character to do these kinds of stuff earlier.


If you got a problem with it, message me, do not complain about it here.



I gave him permission to use this character as a kind of curios soldier following the one who stabbed a deathclaw.

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I just read over my last post. I sound totally retarded *Herp derp* I was really tired when I wrote it, so it kinda didn't make sense in what I was trying to say. XD


I was trying to say that you can have a Personal Vendetta, and not totally get rid of it. I wanted it to be something that we can do if an event occurred, and everyone got all "COME AT ME BRO!" Syndrome. :D So, it doesn't sound like It's one person leading a group that was following him to pay his personal vendetta. With the event, it would be that everyone has a beef with Malcolm of some sort. (I'm not sure about the event, It could be anything really). What I wanted was like, it wasn't just a Leader and his/her followers. It was the whole group acting as their own. Everyone had an opinion and it wasn't just; "You follow me, I'm your leader and you'll get the whip otherwise!", I don't want it to be like that.


Regarding the OP characters, this will be dropped by me. I don't want to continue the argument further, and if any concerns of mine come up will not be discussed here. I will PM you Mike, or Tokyo.

Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Thank you Best.


Good of you to decide and pm when you have concerns. Much better than fighting about it in a forum thread no?


And the plot is basicaly that he said that he needed help with raiding an armory, then we learned it was part of his vendetta. So yes we are acting on our own but still following Vlad a bit since he knows the way to Malcolm.


Again, thank you for being so smart to decide to pm upon further concern, good choice :)

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Got an idea... Keep the revenge plot, with out the revenge. Bear with me here. I don't mean not having his vendetta, but make it non manditory that after raiding the armory that the rest of us must go after Malcom or however it's spelled, I'm tired. If he and someone else wanna go after Malcome, go ahead. I will go to the armory, use my lock picking and pc hacking skills (sandro) to help out where I can, then take my new toys to the super mutants or something like that, in other words, take toys, use them for other things. Vendetta still intact, just not MY focus. Is this solution acceptable?
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Hey, hold on a minute there. I never said he DID kill 900 soldiers, I'm saying I don't see how he could kill 900 soliders. People want the Legion plotline out, and I'm tryin to think of a way to do that.


Baldur, that solution sounds pretty damn epic.


Gah, this whole damn argument if getting out of hand. The whole point of the RP is to have fun, like someone else posted.....somewhere.......recently...... :psyduck:


I'll PM someone eventually, as soon as I remember the 948357029348760239487 thousand words I just completely forgot I was going to say :wacko:


Edit: I feel like a complete idiot. I've single-handedly ruined the RP for EVERYONE with the Legion story. :wallbash: :(

What should I do now.........

Edited by Flipout6
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I completely forgot about the Armory. *Facepalm* Just... forget I said anything on the subject.


For the Legion story, it can stay... but we'd just have to edit it a little bit. Instead of having about a whole Army come to Capitol Wasteland, your Legionnaires are like a scouting party? Like of about 60 people? It's not a whole lot, and they don't have crazy army numbers so it doesn't DE-rail the whole plot.

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sounds.... good. I'll have Junius receive the reports that his reinforcements have been called off to fight in the Mojave, except for 30 legionairies, so that he is more than just a barely-standing force at the tower. There'll be patrols around the Tower, but no assault or anything.


Edit: There that should fix most of the problems with the Legion storyline.

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