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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


RP Setting  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the RP take place? (CLOSED)

    • Capital Wasteland
    • Mojave Wasteland
    • NCR Territory
    • New York Ruins/Wasteland
    • I have a different idea (Please post this idea in the thread if chosen)

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do it dude no reason lucas simms couldnt help him get back there and snipe a few guys.


oh and btw the kill count i posted was just kills i confirmed i made not a total for the battle, im pretty sure we are approaching 60 or so dead legion by now with everyone killing 5 or 6 a post it seems.

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Wow, guess everyone's school year started simultaneously? Nobody except me and (at one point) baldur have posted all week
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Yeah been kinda distracted heh :sweat: i will try to post some time soon dont worry


If I recall correctly, you are in school. Do not place too much worry on whether or not you can post. Your schoolwork is a higher priority. With the mind you have, you could go to Law school, or something else that involves brain work. Now, I'm going to shut up now before I start rambling, as it is 1:34 in the morning, and I'm tired. People may not always like me and what I have to say, but I do give sound advice. I am just not always good at taking it :C. I'm working on it.. goodness.. tiredly rambling.. gotta stop...

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Okay, here's my little application


Name: Warren Bentley


Gender: Male


Age: 25


Race: Caucasian


Karmic Alignment: Neutral


Appearance: A handsome blonde man with blue eyes, or at least he did. He's exceptionally pale due to lack of sunlight, and has a sickly appearance. (This will change as Warren spends time in the wastes.)


Clothing/armor: A space suit that has been modified with car parts for added protection.


(Optional) Pet: None


Starting Weapon: Experimental Uberfalcon (An experimental Laser pistol that fires an entire clip's worth of energy in a single shot for tons of damage. However, It's flawed design makes it take a solid 15 seconds to reload, and it must be reloaded after every shot. On top of that, it's prone to misfiring, and needs constant repairs.)


Skills/Occupation: He Is skilled in energy weapons, and is trained in advanced repairs. He's also quite a charismatic guy from his celebrity status before the war.


Personality: Potentially thoughtless at times, and optimistic when the world around him doesn't call for him to be. He's also pretty. . . Well crazy. He did wake up one day and find his entire world destroyed after all.


History/Background: A hero in his day, Warren Bentley worked for Repconn as an Astronaut. He relished his fame, and together with his scientist brother, was the first man to use the Repconn Deep-Space Rocketpod, a spacecraft that allowed distant travel in space. He was sent on a mission to Saturn, along with a special laser pistol that was designed to "Battle the Alien Menace" according to the scientists working on the project. He set out, frozen in a Cryogenic tube. Unbeknownst to him, the project was funded by the Enclave. He was a guinea pig to test the technology they planned to use to escape the earth in the event of a nuclear war.

5 Years after he set out, the great war ocurred. After he finally arrived at Saturn the craft he was in was called back to earth. He crashed in the former DC area. At first he thought he had crashed on an alien planet, but he was soon attacked by raiders, and discovered the truth. He's looking for the vault his brother was sent to, since he has no idea how long he's been gone.

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Iron, I have a question for you. This is meant in the most positive way, (still seeing therapist, just curious) but how could Warren be alive during the war, when the war was 200 years prior to the current date? See, due to the timeline, there would be no way he could be alive during the war, or prior to said war, unless he was a ghoul. If I may make a suggestion, I suggest you revise that part of your history. Of course, you could also completely ignore me, as Mike let it pass. Have a good afternoon, everyone.



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