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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


RP Setting  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the RP take place? (CLOSED)

    • Capital Wasteland
    • Mojave Wasteland
    • NCR Territory
    • New York Ruins/Wasteland
    • I have a different idea (Please post this idea in the thread if chosen)

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Here's my character:


Name: Yggdrassil


Gender: Female


Age: 24


Race: Human


Karmic Alignment: Good


Appearance: Basically, it’s me, hair in ponytail


Clothing/armor: Wears a coverall jumpsuit with various gadgetry and tools on arms, gloves, chest, legs and boots. Sports metal backpack.


Starting Weapon: A jian sword


Skills/Occupation: Dubs herself, a “Mechanician”. Expertise in mechanical and electrical devices. Inventor. Expertise in “Flying Dragon Sword” sword combat and “Savate” unarmed combat.


Personality: Light and Bubbly. Flirts constantly. Uses feminine Charm and Wiles.



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I tried to edit this into the first post but it simply would not let me, so here it is: To anyone who feels like they don't know where to start or are a little blank, I personally will help anyone who PMs me asking for help. Don't be fooled by the avatar, I'm a nice girl and I love when someone gets their first RP character planned out. ;D


P.S. It's recommended to watch this topic so that you will always know when a new post has been added.


P.P.S. Capital Wasteland is in the lead right now, but I will be waiting until tomorrow or the next day (if I have no PC access tomorrow) to make the RP thread. I want there to be plenty of time for folks to join up and vote so that we have a fair poll. Love you all and thanks for being patient with me. :3

Edited by tokyobleach
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Name: Nicholas Prescott Rheims


Gender: Male


Age: 43


Race: Human


Karmic Alignment: Good


Appearance: Six feet, five inches tall. Peach-colored skin with a deep farmer’s tan on his arms. Thick yet very short crew-cut dark brown hair. Broad forehead. Smallish, gray-blue eyes. Large, straight nose. Smallish mouth with a deep Cupid’s bow in the upper and a slight crease in the lower. High cheekbones. Slightly wide chin.


Clothing/armor: Thick rawhide boots with steel toes. Heavy cotton cargo pants. Heavy cotton long-sleeve shirt with a Kevlar vest underneath. Barbut-style Kevlar-lined helmet.


(Optional) Pet: No pet.


Starting Weapon: Bullpup Dragunov sniper rifle. Colt .45 ACP (1911). Bowie Hunter utility and fighting knife. Also, one of those two-gallon backpack water packs for hydration, a few energy bars, a small flint rock for starting fires, a sharpening stone for his Bowie knife, a flashlight, and of course…ammunition for his guns.


Skills/Occupation: Ex-military sniper turned free-roaming vigilante. Experienced enough hunter due to survival classes while in the army. Now spends his days eliminating bandits and ne’er-do-wells wherever he can find them. Expert marksman with his rifle, very good survivalist.


Personality: Very serious with little desire for fun. Usually a beta when among other people, but is forced into an alpha-like mode when out on the job. Extremely quiet and reserved, preferring to not trust people very much and study and profile them from afar. Usually only interacts when contacted first. Usually very blunt, tactless, and matter-of-fact in his speech, and hardly participates in conversation unless he is contacted first. Also a minimalist, he places little value or stock in money or material possessions, keeping only what he needs to survive and shunning any excess.


History/Background: Nicholas joined the military when he was eighteen. He graduated from sniper training at age twenty-three, and stayed in the service until he was thirty-one. After his honorable discharge, he decided to become a lone-gun, concentrating on thinning out the hordes of wandering bandits as best he could. Whenever he holds his Dragunov in his hands, he thinks of his father and mother; they were his first marksman teachers. An old pastime of his is the game of chess. He occasionally has a few games wherever there is a chess set and competition to be found.

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