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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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  1. 1. Where should the RP take place? (CLOSED)

    • Capital Wasteland
    • Mojave Wasteland
    • NCR Territory
    • New York Ruins/Wasteland
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My thoughts exactly. Demon, Power Armor requires specialized training found only in the Brotherhood of Steel. Also, a stealth boy can be seen through with high enough Perception, and it only lasts 60 seconds. there was a plan to have Greebo (possible) take out Leo with his sniper rifle, as one last help for his friends, as well as have Tomoyo save Morgan, and a buncha other stuff, and that is kaput unless you edit that post. It is way op, and coming from me, I know OP. I may not have the power to make you edit it, but I am expressing my distaste and annoyance at it. yes, I said I was going to bed, but I went to bed and was instantly wide awake.
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She -HAS- that training, for the millionth time. But, okay, if you guys want, I can edit the post to be less over-powered. I probably just got a bit too into things, because in that situation, I'd've done that in the game, where Stealth Boy's would last long enough for me to do that...


Or where I'd have Project Nevada or FWE to toggle Stealth Boys on and off like Bethesda should've done in the first place.

Edited by DemonLady
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Hmm..... crap, I missed the whole battle. Dammit. I'll just assume Versing took out some, but didn't go space-age super-commando on the baddies. Honestly, I don't mind it too much, it's just that it would probably take more than a few seconds to put on power armor. It strikes me as something that you would wear before engaging in a large conflict. It would be perfectly plausible to be wearing power armor during the assault on Tenpenny Tower, because it's an engagement that is certain to happen, not just a quick attack like that was. If she had put on power armor in the five minutes they had before the battle started, it would have been perfectly believable. It would be hard to sneak with a stealth boy up the hill towards him, although the heat of battle would make it easy to effectively drop the grenade in the ammo bbox, as people would be shooting at what they could see.


Shoot, I have no idea what I could post regarding Versing.

Edited by Flipout6
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Mmk, there. Made a post that entirely contradicted the over-powered-ness of before.
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Sorry I haven't actually replied since I signed up, my internet went out. Could I still post?
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I would imagine so, as long as you don't act like you've known the group. Make sure that you stumble upon us or something, and then you'll be fine. Welcome aboard, by the way!
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Flipout whats your steam? oh yeah and you may of been able to do that in the game but, keyword is game :) try to look at it froma realistic point of view rather then pushing tab and equipping armor :) Edited by boneless1
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My steam account? If it actually counts as an account, it's Flipout6. A big change from my Nexus username, I know. what about yours? Is it the same as your nexus name? Edited by Flipout6
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My steam is BaldurAnthology. Maybe of you added me there, you lot would remember I exist one in a bloody while! Seriously, guys! Again I get back, couple pages pass, and everyone decides without Sandro and Tomoyo what to do! Then they get mad if I don't know, and try and post something relevant, and it contradicts some plan not laid out here in the discussion, where it should be. Cone on, guys! I am seriously considering Dropping out cause of all the times I keep getting left behind! I go off to do my volunteer work, and have no F*cking idea what is going on! The temper spazz reflects exactly what I am feeling now!
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