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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


RP Setting  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the RP take place? (CLOSED)

    • Capital Wasteland
    • Mojave Wasteland
    • NCR Territory
    • New York Ruins/Wasteland
    • I have a different idea (Please post this idea in the thread if chosen)

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Alright, not to be a stick in the mud but this whole "Everyone leads, or goes their own path" Is kinda ridiculous. That and the Legion would have to cross the ENTIRE COUNTRY to get to the Capital Wasteland. That plotline is so out of whack it's ridiculous! So, please, drop this plotline, it makes no sense! Why can we not just be a group travelling, exploring and salvaging in the Capital? It would be more fun if we weren't all trying to be stalwart heroes or things like that. Think on it.
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That was rather blunt, but it does cover all of my concerns for where this is heading. There are too many people who want to be leaders here, and others who want to follow my characters just because they're mine and I am the leader of the RP (but really, following a fifteen year old girl is just silly). I, for one, did intend to be doing more normal things like delivering items or just traveling... The fullscale invasion does have me confused and discouraged about where my characters are going from here. I didn't start with intentions of revenge or a purpose for Axelle, or even Ferox, for that matter... I just liked the characters and wanted them to travel the wasteland with friends and gain experience and all...
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I agree, really. I pretty much stopped posting because of how ridiculous of the events that were happening. All the events, made no sense, whatsoever. I think we just need to start over (Not with a new thread... just start over,) and do things a little bit more better.


Also, there are two another concerns of mine. One was the really, short and quick responses that sent the RP down a spiral, that left multiple people panicking because if you even left for about 20 minutes, there could be almost two more pages filled with short, but still irritating to read responses. This was another reason why I left, because when someone posted something, and it's short and undetailed, it makes it much more harder to work with. I try to write AT LEAST a paragraph, so whoever posts after me, has something to work with and use. Another thing, it delays my post's much more, and when my post's get delayed, people slip in another short response. Which, ends up me editing my post to include your post also. See how much work it causes? It can be very stressful at times.


The other concern, was when people find random stuff that are really, just stupid. Like, when a Raider was carrying a perfectly fine M16. Of course, it can happen, but it's so unlikely that it was kinda stupid. I'm not judging your RP skills and whatnot, but try to think if that would be realistic in Fallout terms.



Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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I understand completely that everyone here has no ill intentions with their posts or anything, first off. I think that perhaps you all should think of what it would really be like if you were in this world, scavenging for survival. Remember that you aren't going to find a whole lot, simply because someone else probably has already... You aren't going to know everything, you aren't going to be an expert in all forms of combat. Those things are the definition of overpowered, because it's very unlikely someone will know everything, be brave against every challenge, spot every danger, dodge every hit, or accomplish any travel on foot faster than a human being is capable of going... I've got a migraine right now, so I'm not so sure how else to word this.
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If we were to just "start over", 60 pages in, how the hell are we supposed to pull that off?


I'm not trying to make my characters heroes. (Versing lead a squad, but he won't be leading the group.) At least, not conciously.


Anyway, if all this is going to happen, what the hell happens to Versing's plotline of fighting the legion, and bloodplague's NCR chick? The brotherhood probably won't be taking action yet to kick out the Legion, so that's not an option. Only thing NCR has in the area is spec ops and a few rangers. I don't see how we can kick the Legion out soon, or how Bloodplague's character can single-handedly wipe out 900 Legionairies. (Or the NCR in the area, for that matter.) And what will happen to Junius, Ferox and Taurus? And the Legion wouldn't have to cross the whole country, their territory extends pretty far East, probably about half a country away from the Mojave. And even if every single legionairie was fighting in the Mojave, they could move safely, and therefore quickly, across Caesar's lands.


We'll need to think things through before we just drastically change the RP, s'all im sayin.


I've got a migraine right now, so I'm not so sure how else to word this.


You too, eh?

Edited by Flipout6
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Flipout you're a great Rp'er but the plotline of the legion some how making it's across the country is utterly impossible, Caesar would not be that...ignorant. We wont go back 60 pages. The plotline of something this..this grand of a scale comparing it to a few people who just want to survive is a thought that pass's through the minds of people who just want that hero scene. Besides I am sure we would enjoy something of a smaller scale and something that makes more sense, Caesar cannot expand across the country in such a small amount of time. And they would not send an army after you. It isn't you that started this shinnangan.


The problems are there, the OP people are there. We are trying to be -realistic- now I am not giving the lecture to you heck no your great so far it's just that truthfully

I don't think the NCR would give a second thought to you if you disappeared. Though there are some here that somehow obtained amazing abilities of invulnerability and such one cannot be skilled in all sorts of fighting, nor can they be experienced with every weapon, nor can they choose weapon types that are not invented within the early 1900-1950's. Realism that is the aim, not super soldiers that can take on five guys because in a real life situation if you fought five guys with a sword..you can probably be dead and the training to use a sword properly in this type of world is highly unlikely unless you somehow found the bat lair and was trained by batman.

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The Legion isn;t sending the army after me. And the NCR, like you said, wouldn't give a flying *insert harsh language here.* Only people after Versing are the assassins, because of his guerilla fighter past. kind of how like Caesar sends unlimited numbers of assassins after the Courier for just wiping out a few Legionairies. I'm not trying tp give my characters uber skills. Junius is a terrible shot, and Taurus can only hit a barn door with a throwing spear. Versing was injured in the first twenty seconds of a fight in melee. All of my characters have their strengths and their weaknesses. (I try to stress them.) S'all I'm sayin'. I;m not trying to give you the lecture either ;)


Caesar isn't expanding across the country, Legion territories spread all the way out to the plains (I'm pretty sure, anyway.) it's not the entire country.


P.S. How are we going to give the RP a fresh start? "Oh, they all woke up from a jet-induced sleep, and coincidentally had a linked, telepathic dream* Won't work. At all. As in people would think WE were in a jet induced stupor.

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Assuming we include 90 percent of the lore from NV as well as that of FO3, it is safe to assume Caesar is dead. I say 90 because House has you leave him alive, and siding with Caesar has him stay alive. Assuming the courier of the Mojave sided with anyone else, Caesar is dead, the legion is disbanded. They never get around to expanding from the Mojave seeing as the NCR keep them there. This plotline makes no sense by any lore I read, even if the Legion takes over the Mojave, the NCR are still to be contended with in every other state, or those who run those states too. I stopped wanting to post half the time when that was in effect. I joined on for fun and adventure, not war. Please drop this... war. NCR trooper, fine. Let her stay. You a deserter? Whatever, no problems there. Legion taking over every state from Nevada to DC? Unlikely to impossible. Think on this folks. I may not be the leader, but have over 350 hours apiece to both New Vegas and Fallout 3.
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Okay, as the friction is still here. I'd like to bring a pointer from my friend from a different forum. I will try and explain as best as I can, and hopefully, we can come up with a compromise.


Point Number 17: Don't run away with an RP, this is a common sense one but it still happens. Usually a pair of people get into a groove with each other and just keep posting back to back which leaves the other Players running to catch up and sacrificing their story ideas because you and your buddy wanted to play with each other, this is selfish and unprofessional.


This; is what pretty much happened to the RP. It became completely out of control, and took the RP away from what was actually attended to be. Also adding, the lore from the Fallout Universe, this plot line, would make no sense whatsoever. Still, it wasn't really Flipout's fault. As because, we kinda... let it happen. Well, we weren't expecting this sort of thing. As because, this sort of thing should have been suggested in the OOC first before it was implemented into the RP.


Also, I think we should all reflect back onto Tokyo's rules from the very first page.


1. There will be no lone wanderers, couriers, vault dwellers, or chosen ones here, or characters related to them even distantly. Everyone will start from the ground up as inexperienced or average characters unless their past (which must be approved by myself or MikeRyan) specifies otherwise.


2. No OP (overpowered) characters. Period. It takes the fun away from the experiences of others when Grognak the Barbarian jumps in front of the bad guys and slices everyone in half with his giant axe. ;) Remember that none of us are damsels in distress and unless rescue is needed, it only gets others mad.


4. Be patient, because everyone gets a turn in posting. Back-and-forth fights between two people that go on for pages and pages make the RP seem less interesting to readers and are inconvenient to other RPers. Think how much it would bother you if you were trying to get a post in and other people ended up posting before you did, therefore making your post irrelevant..


8. Remember that the RP is a place for everyone to have fun, not just you. Play well with others. In other words, you have to take some opportunities to attack and such and you have to give some away. It is simply more fun that way, and the story develops much more smoothly when we all get a turn. Going along with this, if someone hasn't posted in a while, or if you are the first one to see a new reply, do not jump the gun and post as fast as you can.


These are the main ones that have the biggest problem in the RP right now. As number one insists, no; lone wanderers, couriers, vault dwellers, or chosen ones here. From what I've seen, it seems the group has fallen into the "Chosen Ones" category. Since, it seems that it will take our whole group to bring down the Legion. Which of course, makes no sense in the first place. This RP was really meant to be adventures in the Wasteland, not go on an Epic quest to become 'Heroes' against the Legion.


Now, we come to number two in this. I won't say who, but there ARE some characters that are just plain ridiculous. Or, OP as in this case. If you know who you are, please consider removing a few things to make them less OP in sorts. Make them have weaknesses and strengths.


Here we go. The most broken rule of them all. This rule, has been ignored to the most highest of consent. Of course, I'm talking about number four. In this case, it was multiple people posting multiple things, and with that, leaving some people behind. Like the rule states: BE PATIENT. As in, if you post, wait for everyone else to get a post in before you post again. Some people don't have time to come and post, and some people really don't want to go and read though 10 pages and keep trying to keep up. We don't want to make this a second job, so please don't make it harder on people. If we followed this rule in the first place, we wouldn't have this sort of issue anymore.


Last but not least, and another big rule. Have fun! And don't ruin others peoples fun. If people want to go beat up some Legion baddies, let them! You don't have to group up with them at all, you can go do whatever you feel like is fun.


To end my post, I will end with another point from my friend.


14: s*** happens, no one can see into the future and no one can stop all the bad stuff from happening and it does no good worrying over it all the time, sometimes you can't help it so it does no good being a worrywart. Deal with it as best you can and ask for help if you need it. Stay strong and don't let it get you down.


I hope this brings some understanding to the group, and we shall decided what we're going to do.

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