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Scripting help


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So I'm trying to make a script that will find out how many pencils a player has in his/her inventory and if they have more then 30 then the quest will get updated. But I also want it to were if the player has less then 30 the quest will go back on it self one objective saying the player needs to get 30 pencils. I have the script to were it can tell when a player has more then 30 pencils but I can't seem to figure out how to make the script do the second part I want it to do. Please if you know how to do this tell me I would greatly appreciate it!
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Try something like this:

if GetObjectiveCompleted <QuestID> <ObjectiveIndex> && player.GetItemCount Pencil01 < 30
    SetObjectiveCompleted <QuestID> <ObjectiveIndex> 0

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