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After attempting a clean reinstall and deleting all my saved games my vanilla Skyrim SE is still bugged from joy of perspective.


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So I as I said in the title I wanted to revert to clean vanilla Skyrim SE. I deleted the files in in my steam folder, my saved games in my documents, and temp files in localappdata folder. I reinstalled through steam unchecking the cloud save box and when I go to play everything is normal EXCEPT my left arm has clipping like in this picture https://imgur.com/gallery/yzGoWoi. I would have thought that completely uninstalling NMM and Skyrim SE with deleting all files I could find related to thetwo would totally reset my game especially if I make a brand new save game my guess is that somehow Steams cloud save although I have it disabled is messing with my files. Need help please! I just want 100% vanilla Skyrim SE with no weird clipping.

Edited by trevorsandwich
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Likely better asking on the SE forum, this is the forum for LE. I can only guess you did not uninstall things as well as you think you did. Are you using fresh, vanilla INI files? If your FOV is set to 90 or something that could cause some weirdness.

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