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Black Spot Right Below Mouth? (Pic Included)


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As you can see by the red circle, there is a black "pixel/patch" right underneath her mouth. What is strange is if I go into "showracemenu" the patch is gone. As soon as I go back into the world, however, it's back.

I saw it disappear for a second and then it went back again.

I have made no changes to my .ini files (Skyrim or SkyrimPref).

I have no mods installed currently and this is a fresh new save (re-installed game).

I heard there is anti-aliasing issues with Skyrim, could this be it?

I know under options there are different settings but after it told me I was on "Ultra" I just x'd out.

I've never had this issue before so anyone has any information or solutions, please tell me :unsure:

Edited by AdventureGirl
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