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Help requested - Getting blood on player body


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Hi -


I have just started modding and have been trying to get blood splatter onto the player's body when an Event occurs. For example, in the following code when you activate the goat (!?) I want the player to get a blood splash. However, I get blood splashes on the floor, but NOT the player. Is PlayImpactEffect the way to go??


thanks in advance




Scriptname MikeBleedOnActivate extends ObjectReference  
{Testing bleeding codes...}

ImpactDataSet Property BloodSprayImpactSetRed  Auto 

actor target

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

target = Game.Getplayer()

;notify user

   Debug.Notification("Goat activated")

;make some blood?

target.PlayImpactEffect(BloodSprayImpactSetRed, 0, 0, 0, -1, 256, true, true)


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According to this


BobTheDragon.PlayImpactEffect(FXDragonTakeoffImpactSet, "NPC Tail8", 0, 0, -1, 512, true, false)


Took on the CKwiki, the second parameter is a string that determines the effect origin, so i think setting 0 like you did will pick a random origin?

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Cracked it!


Need to make a custom shader with a blood texture then use the commend Play(effect, duration).


What's nice about this approach is that you can also get blood decals on * the face* as well.


Expect a blood mod out at some point!

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How many times I've been asked to make a blood mod using shaders, as I do to create the effects for BFSEffects mod. And I always give the same answer:

Using a permanent shader on a living npc will make that shader to be overriden everytime that npc gets hit by a spell or anything that has a hit shader, causing the blood shader to disappear and appear, and that's a bit ugly.

You'll surely notice this when testing your mod against mages. That's why I've never accepted this request.


But of course if you don't mind about that you are very welcome to do the mod :)




By the way, what method are you using to add this script to npcs?

Edited by pauderek
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