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Sort by date installed?


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Thank you. :cool: Though I miss the NMM way that it would show all of the info easily so I could backtrack to see which mods were causing issues. Hope they can add that in a future release. I will post a feature request.

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Ohhh, so if I just reinstalled with Vortex, I could see them by date? I'm willing to do that, I have a pet peeve about retracing my steps. :P

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Ohhh, so if I just reinstalled with Vortex, I could see them by date? I'm willing to do that, I have a pet peeve about retracing my steps. :tongue:

um so i rechecked and it not install date sorry. it download day. My first feedback for Vortex was to complain about this because i also use your same method to keep check on my mods. They made a mess of this new App by taking away a lot of the Features NMM had.

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Ohhh, so if I just reinstalled with Vortex, I could see them by date? I'm willing to do that, I have a pet peeve about retracing my steps. :tongue:

um so i rechecked and it not install date sorry. it download day. My first feedback for Vortex was to complain about this because i also use your same method to keep check on my mods. They made a mess of this new App by taking away a lot of the Features NMM had.


It's install date. You might be confusing it activation date which isn't tracked. I literally just reinstalled a mod that I downloaded and installed a week ago this morning because I want to change some options and didn't want to make a second instance, and it's telling me now I installed it two hours ago. Enabling and disabling a mod does not uninstall it, and therefore does not change installation date. A disabled mod is still installed, hence reenabling it will not change installation date.

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