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Abe Lincoln


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I had to make a account for this since i could not believe no one has mentioned it yet but, Is anyone going to make an Abraham Lincoln character and join dawnguard as him? I say this because of the Abraham Lincoln vampire hunter movie that is released a few days prior to dawnguard. What do you think his perks should be and what race / Archtype would he be?
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Just seen that it was a real movie... but that would be a kinda lol if someone would make a character like that. :thumbsup:
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Lol, this topic is awesome.


I would probably say Imperial. IRL Lincoln was mad tall, but I don't really see him as a Nord. And he's definitely not a Redguard. He could be a Breton, but I imagine Lincoln to be more of a warrior rather than a magic user. I guess it would depend on the direction that you wanted to take him in.


Imperials are good at Restoration magic, which is great against undead and would fit the movie perfectly. They are also good at Speechcraft, which would synch with his reputation as a fantastic orator. This type of a character would probably be more in the archetype of the paladin, wielding Restoration magic and carrying a sword to smite the undead. I could definitely see this sort of a character joining up with the Dawnguard.


But I could see a sort of Crossbowman and magic Breton Lincoln, even though he would be pretty short. Bretons are probably the most naturally intelligent of all the human races, a trait I think would go well with a Lincoln character. But they are physically rather weak and trend toward Conjuration magic, which would be a big no-no if you were to take the movie at its word (Lincoln versus the undead). I could maybe see Lincoln conjuration atronachs, but I could never see him as a necromancer. Maybe if they introduce "Bound Crossbow!"


Of course, you could cross the two: make an Imperial Lincoln that wielded Restoration magic and a crossbow. That might be the closest that we can get and actually also sounds really fun to play. Maybe I too will adopt a Lincoln character :-)

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