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Event OnSpellcast when it's actually a spell?


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The creation kit has the example:

Event OnSpellCast(Form akSpell)
 Spell spellCast = akSpell as Spell
 if spellCast && spellCast == FireballSpell
   Debug.Trace("We just cast a fireball!")
   Debug.Trace("We cast something, but we don't know what it is")


Noting the fragment


 Spell spellCast = akSpell as Spell
 if spellCast


Does this part automatically return false if the event was triggered by a potion, enchantment, or ingredient? I'm hoping the answer is 'yes.'

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"Parameters akSpell: Spell that was cast. Can be Spell, Enchantment, Potion, or Ingredient."


So basically the answer is NO.


I think what the example does is cast the form akSpell to a spell and see if it gives an error or not.

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