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Dwemer Dragon


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spiders, spheres and centurions. That only makes only three automatons of the long lost Dwemer race so I thought....what if they found out a way to harness a dragon's soul into the body of a steam dragon body?






Sure the thought of the dragonborn fighting a steam dragon is an insane idea but come on, what other tech have we not seen yet that this missing race has left behind for the rest of us to encounter?


has anyone else thought about making this to put into the game?




discuss if you will.

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I think it's a cool idea.


Since the steam dragon would have been designed for defense in underground Dwemer cities, there would be no need for flight. Therefore the wings could be used as huge full body sheilds which would make it that much harder to fight against in melee, ranged, or mage combat. Just a thought

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would be really cool mod.

just a extra idea as a rewardfor defeating the dragon maybe a dwemer steam horse that instead of running out of puff and colling down like normal horses. it would run of fuel and unlimited sprint till it runs out of fuel

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