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Outlander (Movie)


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Hello, I was watching Outlander movie last night and I fell in love with a sword that appears in the movie.

Is any one up for creating this sword?


Here is a picture and a bunch of links so you can see the Sword





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If it were made just a tiny bit less mechy looking it would be a good replacement for the hideous vanilla ebony sword.


Yeah, in the movie it was crafted from a chunk of an alien spaceship, but in the movie it also looks better than the picuture i used, take look on the links if you dindt

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No need for me, more than familiar with the movie ;) Considered requesing this myself but didn't want to invite the wrath of the lore-mongers.


Some terrible bits in it, but Ron Perlman was as ever a highlight.


Also, the town in Outlander = Whiterun architecture.

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No need for me, more than familiar with the movie ;) Considered requesing this myself but didn't want to invite the wrath of the lore-mongers.


Some terrible bits in it, but Ron Perlman was as ever a highlight.


Also, the town in Outlander = Whiterun architecture.


And again Yeah, nice place the main hall kind looked like an elf building of LOTR battle for the middle earth.

I dindt like the movie at all but the swort shined before my eyes.

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Never saw the movie, but I know a pretty sword when I see one.




For some reason, the CK keeps crashing on me whenever I try to preview the model, eventhough I've checked every single property of the mesh and compared it to a vanilla model. Will try to make it work.

Edited by FakePersonality
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Never saw the movie, but I know a pretty sword when I see one.




For some reason, the CK keeps crashing on me whenever I try to preview the model, eventhough I've checked every single property of the mesh and compared it to a vanilla model. Will try to make it work.


Okay - I saw your interest in the sword from my movie and the fact that you hated the movie itself. Of course you are entitled to hate anything you want, and I am actually disappointed that I did not make a movie that you liked, but as far as your insinuation that I stole and or copied the designs from any other game or film are ridiculous. I first designed the Herot Hall you saw in the movie while I was still in film school in 1990. (A fact that I state on the DVD commentary) And if you know your Viking history, the design was directly based on the wooden stave churches built in Norway during medieval times. The fact is that LOTR, or even the upcoming Pixar movie, THE BRAVE, all look alike is because they are all go back to the same original source and do their own riff on it. All that said, if you would like to make a copy of the sword, designed by the wonderful concept artist, Steve Platt, maybe I can assist you. I can send you the original concept art work done for the movie or possibly the cgi model used in the film itself. Let me know if any of this interests you.


Best, Howard McCain. Writer/Director - Outlander

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Never saw the movie, but I know a pretty sword when I see one.




For some reason, the CK keeps crashing on me whenever I try to preview the model, eventhough I've checked every single property of the mesh and compared it to a vanilla model. Will try to make it work.


Okay - I saw your interest in the sword from my movie and the fact that you hated the movie itself. Of course you are entitled to hate anything you want, and I am actually disappointed that I did not make a movie that you liked, but as far as your insinuation that I stole and or copied the designs from any other game or film are ridiculous. I first designed the Herot Hall you saw in the movie while I was still in film school in 1990. (A fact that I state on the DVD commentary) And if you know your Viking history, the design was directly based on the wooden stave churches built in Norway during medieval times. The fact is that LOTR, or even the upcoming Pixar movie, THE BRAVE, all look alike is because they are all go back to the same original source and do their own riff on it. All that said, if you would like to make a copy of the sword, designed by the wonderful concept artist, Steve Platt, maybe I can assist you. I can send you the original concept art work done for the movie or possibly the cgi model used in the film itself. Let me know if any of this interests you.


Best, Howard McCain. Writer/Director - Outlander


Eh... wut? I never saw this movie, im just an artist....

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Never saw the movie, but I know a pretty sword when I see one.




For some reason, the CK keeps crashing on me whenever I try to preview the model, eventhough I've checked every single property of the mesh and compared it to a vanilla model. Will try to make it work.


Okay - I saw your interest in the sword from my movie and the fact that you hated the movie itself. Of course you are entitled to hate anything you want, and I am actually disappointed that I did not make a movie that you liked, but as far as your insinuation that I stole and or copied the designs from any other game or film are ridiculous. I first designed the Herot Hall you saw in the movie while I was still in film school in 1990. (A fact that I state on the DVD commentary) And if you know your Viking history, the design was directly based on the wooden stave churches built in Norway during medieval times. The fact is that LOTR, or even the upcoming Pixar movie, THE BRAVE, all look alike is because they are all go back to the same original source and do their own riff on it. All that said, if you would like to make a copy of the sword, designed by the wonderful concept artist, Steve Platt, maybe I can assist you. I can send you the original concept art work done for the movie or possibly the cgi model used in the film itself. Let me know if any of this interests you.


Best, Howard McCain. Writer/Director - Outlander


Howard, I believe part of your post here should have been addressed to me since it was me who first drew the parallel between the architectural styles.


I wasn't in any way saying you had ripped anything off, or anything along those lines, just making the comparison, in lazy shorthand. And I am already very aware of why these similarities exist.


As far as I am aware nobody in this thread made any accusation of theft, just pointed out the similarity that you yourself acknowledge.


Nobody insinuated anything, you inferred the accusation, when all I intended (others can speak for themselves) was comparison. I am genuinely sorry if you have taken offence at my comment, but I do not believe there is any offence to be taken.


And FWIW, I DID enjoy the movie, it just had some terrible BITS in it. I liked it enough to watch it twice which is NOT usual for me with action movies.


Also, your offer of materials to help get this in game is very generous and I applaud you for that.

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