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Crash at start-up.


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I just installed a bunch of mods for a new run-through of Skyrim, but when I launched SKSE it crashed at the start menu.


I installed them using the feature included in the NMM, and only barely checked for updates, thinking I was getting the newst stuff. Are there mods on this list that aren't compatible, do I have to re-arrange the load order, patch something, or try something completely different?




Welp, thanks for any help you guys might be able to send my way.

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Oh s***, I feel really dumb. I'm going to work on that straight away.


As a side note, I did get it to work at the start, except now it's fairly laggy. Buuuut, that's my issue, so I won't bring it up. Thanks for bringing up Wrye Bash, it'll probably help.

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