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Oblivion Mods to Skyrim!


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I admit... I didn't enjoy Oblivion as much as I do Skyrim. Not sure why, but I know the main reason was the damn Haggle system... but what I did play of it, I played with two specific mods:

The mod that added the Race of the Xenomorph (Aliens from the Alien series) and Pyramid Head as an NPC, where you could steal his helm and sword.


My idea was of course to have playable races of the above mentioned, but maybe followers? I'd love to see them again, and there's a model of the new Pyramid Head from Homecoming on DA that I came across. Here it is.


I can't think of any other Oblivion mods off the top of my head that I used, but those are my top two!

Edited by BeckyRAT
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