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Mod Acronyms - WTF?


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PN - Project Nevada (Fallout New Vegas equivalent of FWE)


MM - Mission Mojave (mod similar to an 'unofficial patch', comes in modules that correct errors, attempt to reduce CTDs etcetera)


MMUE - Mission Mojave Ultimate Edition (full version of Mission Mojave, all modules condensed into one file)


NVEC - New Vegas Error Corrections



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This topic would make for a good WIKI article. :thumbsup:


Agreed, except it would need to be a Nexus wiki and not a skyrim or fallout or witcher or any single title's wiki page. it would make a good sticky too I think. I would make this a Wiki article too... if i knew how.


*edit: or my internet wasn't F*&^ING UP CONSTANTLY*

Edited by Demoonmunkay
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Nice work everyone, this is one of those "why didn't this already exist?" ideas.


Any chance you could also sort the list in the original post into alphabetical order? (Excluding the unknowns which should stay at the top).


Like chevenga I'm also happy to lend a hand with this kind of formatting/sorting thing if you don't want to/don't have time etc


That, sir/ma'am, would be awesome sause. as you've seen I've been just copy pasting in the order they've been arriving. It's so good to see that people are willing to help others less... learned then themselves for the sake of... awesomeness equality? You know what I'm trying to say.


*edit* I had a little time so I did the first round of Alphabetizing.

Edited by Demoonmunkay
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Nice work everyone, this is one of those "why didn't this already exist?" ideas.


Any chance you could also sort the list in the original post into alphabetical order? (Excluding the unknowns which should stay at the top).


Like chevenga I'm also happy to lend a hand with this kind of formatting/sorting thing if you don't want to/don't have time etc


That, sir/ma'am, would be awesome sause. as you've seen I've been just copy pasting in the order they've been arriving. It's so good to see that people are willing to help others less... learned then themselves for the sake of... awesomeness equality? You know what I'm trying to say.


*edit* I had a little time so I did the first round of Alphabetizing.



No worries, I figured you might tire of doing it as much as anything, especially as the list grows. If you want it doing in future just stick everything in the main post, let me know by PM, and I'll send you it back in PM to copy and paste back in to the main post.


Aaand there's another general 'net one, PM - Private Message ;)

Edited by tetradite
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No worries, I figured you might tire of doing it as much as anything, especially as the list grows. If you want it doing in future just stick everything in the main post, let me know by PM, and I'll send you it back in PM to copy and paste back in to the main post.


Aaand there's another general 'net one, PM - Private Message ;)


In the immortal words of Wayne Campbell, "Party on Garth"

For those of you who don't know who wayne Campbell is, you are a taint and the only way to absolve this affliction is to watch the "Waynes World" movies. Good Day.

Edited by Demoonmunkay
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By the way i want to thank everyone so far for help make this list. It's looking good. I've been wandering through random files in my spare time just looking at the names or descriptions for Acronyms to add. not finding many that we don't already have, so good on ya. I'm sure the community really appreciates this, if they knew enough to type in the word "Acronym" into the forum search engine. :thumbsup:
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Two more:


MZC _ Mothership Zeta Crew *Fallout 3*

CNR - Caesars New Regime *New Vegas*


Edit - actually a few more:


WME - Weapon Mod Expansion *New Vegas*

WMX - Weapon Mods Expanded *New Vegas*

Edited by flamenx01
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