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All mods are gone.


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I had all my mods set up fine in Nexus Mod Manager and installed Vortex and started to import my mods over but now NMM doesnt show my mods and they arent in the folder and my game doesnt work anymore. Vortex tells me I have file conflicts and I cant resolve them like I did in NMM. All my mods are gone and I cant see what I had before.


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To resolve the file conflicts, you have to click the red flash-symbol on the right of each mod's entry. There you can change the load order. "Load after" means, that a mod in question gets loaded after the one listed next to the select box, which makes sure it's "winning" (in NMM you'd have to "overwrite" the files when activating the mod to get the same effect)


Vortex just has a different philosophy. Instead of having to chose to overwrite existing files of other mods when activating a mod and then being stuck with the result, as NMM does it, Vortex gives you the option to change which mod overwrites which other on the fly without having to reinstall them all. That's a great feature, but you have to get to used to it, of course.

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Vortex tells me I have file conflicts and I cant resolve them like I did in NMM. All my mods are gone and I cant see what I had before.



Could you please clarify this statement? If you have file conflicts (indicating that several mods are making changes to the same files) there have to be mods (no mods, no conflicts). Though then you go on to say that all your mods are gone.


Could you show me a screenshot of your mods view in Vortex?


Regarding the conflicts, what Grestorn says applies. You had those same file conflicts in NMM as well, though you probably were not aware of it because NMM does not provide as much information as Vortex does. Further, Vortex gives you the ability to change your mind when it comes to which mod(s) should be winning a given file conflict on the fly.

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