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Deployment method changes by itself


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Original topic: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7070601-vortex-causes-ctd-on-new-gameload-game-in-skyrim-se/


During the process of installing mods, in the middle of enabling and deploying mods one by one, as I later found out, the deployment method changed from Hardlink to Movement by itself. This caused a lot of problems. I'm just writing this in hopes of an admin reading this and telling the Vortex team to fix this very nasty bug if it is one, or at least providing an explanation as to what exactly happened or caused the deployment method to suddenly change.


Oh, and also, after the events described in the original topic, Vortex shows "16 active mods" for SkyrimSE despite me having no installed mods for SkyrimSE. Even the in-game menu shows "no load order", which means there are no mods to load. Maybe this will hint towards where the bug is.

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