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Looking for a good heightmap tutorial


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Good tutorial video -


Heightmap and world building tutorial


You'll need a few free tools


L3DT for worldbuilding and heightmap - L3DT Download site

The standard edition is free and can create a heightmap up to 2048x2048 (approx half of Tamriel)


TESSannwyn for creating an esp from the heightmap - Download latest version for Skyrim is 0.23beta


Ppssibly Oscape as well for generating LOD, although this can now be done using the CK 1.6.89

Edited by Tamb0
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great stuff thanks for the links


but just wondered if you have any experiance with either using photoshop /3dsmax , terragen 2 how would that compare in regards to using these tools

just really want to use the best tools for the job if better alternative tools are around .


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Photoshop and 3Dmax are not 3D terrain generating programs. I've never used Terragen2.


L3DT is free and produces very good results. Also very easy to learn (not really much to learn tbh. The program does most of the work by itself).

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Good tutorial video -


Heightmap and world building tutorial


You'll need a few free tools


L3DT for worldbuilding and heightmap - L3DT Download site

The standard edition is free and can create a heightmap up to 2048x2048 (approx half of Tamriel)


TESSannwyn for creating an esp from the heightmap - Download latest version for Skyrim is 0.23beta


Ppssibly Oscape as well for generating LOD, although this can now be done using the CK 1.6.89


I followed the tutorial but, this is what i get :




And it should be like this :







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Looks like you did what I did at first, I didn't follow the tutorial closely enough either.


Two things could have happened here.


1. When you started your project, you did not set the Horizontal scale to 1.8288221359252928 or

2. you did not export the heightmap .raw file with the correct settings (this is where I made the mistake)


In the RAW options, you must set the Mode to 16-bit unsigned (manual scale). There are 5 different options for exporting in 16-bit. Double check that you're selecting the correct one. Then, directly below Mode, there is the ManualScale setting. Make sure this is set to 0.114301. Lastly, double click the InvertY to set it to false.

Now you can name and save the .raw file.

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oh why not model the terrain exactly the way you want it in 3dsmax and then you generate the height map from it? i know it takes some time but you can't go wrong with the results that way...besides you're working with an actual 3d model, not guessing how grey it should be to attain the desired height...just my 2 gold pieces
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oh why not model the terrain exactly the way you want it in 3dsmax and then you generate the height map from it? i know it takes some time but you can't go wrong with the results that way...besides you're working with an actual 3d model, not guessing how grey it should be to attain the desired height...just my 2 gold pieces

If you follow the tutorial, you'll never have to alter the heightmap and you're working with 3D models, so you can see your changes in real time.

Also, you can auto generate a world in minutes and save the heightmap, as opposed to days, or even weeks (depending on size)

Edited by Tamb0
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Im trying to take this world map and put it in skyrim and add the small local maps i have to it, i read somewhere skyrim is around 4000 but the max area can be up to 16000 so thats what im going for as this would not work on a small scale.

but im having some problems getting L3DT OR terregen 2 to upload them as i would like it to look ion fact L3DT just keeps crashing on my where ever i move about in the 3d view to much...


see anything that needs to change as this is my fist few steps in terrain and height maping http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/3946/northernkingdomsfull.jpg

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