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Use Old Fusion Cores First


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After looking through the mods for fusion cores and several forum posts, I haven't found anything that would take partially used fusion cores first. Rather than each set of power armor taking a brand new fusion core, it would drain the oldest ones first. Basically, if you have a fusion core at 50% and a stack of them at 100%, it would drain the 50% core before taking a new one. I'm a little OCD with my inventory, and I hate seeing a long list of old fusion cores with different values and one big stack of full ones at the top. If this already exists, I haven't found it yet, but if it does, I'd love to know where I can download it. Thanks.

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I'd love to know how to do this as well. The best example of what you describe is the Gatling Laser. While it always loads full cores if any, when you reload, it will also do this when you switch weapons, and this is the source of peoples inventories being littered with partially filled cores. The only solution is to check the current charge, and so the last 3 years I haven't been able to do this, because it's not possible to get the cores charge level from the inventory.

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My scrapper mod cheats a bit on fusion core consolidation as there is no SetItemHealthPercent:

Fusion cores will consolidate to a whole number, any partial charge is held in reserve and added to the next consolidation. Yes you can top up a single core from that charge. If Scrapper is unable to make a full core it will not scrap any existing ones to ensure you are never left stranded with none.


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I use the Gatling Laser Ammo Fix and it's great. It creates a new type of ammo called "Gatling Fusion Core" that works like any other type of ammo with a magazine clip size of 500 shots. You can convert regular fusion cores to gatling fusion cores for free at the chem station. It fixes the Gatling Laser ammo issues.


As for Fusion Core charge, you can see it in your inventory. At least, I have to trouble seeing it. If I want to use an older fusion core in my power armor, I have to go into the armor's inventory and select the desired fusion core manually. Having the game automatically insert the fusion core with the lowest charge automatically would definitely be preferable.

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  • 3 years later...

After looking through the mods for fusion cores and several forum posts, I haven't found anything that would take partially used fusion cores first. Rather than each set of power armor taking a brand new fusion core, it would drain the oldest ones first. Basically, if you have a fusion core at 50% and a stack of them at 100%, it would drain the 50% core before taking a new one. I'm a little OCD with my inventory, and I hate seeing a long list of old fusion cores with different values and one big stack of full ones at the top. If this already exists, I haven't found it yet, but if it does, I'd love to know where I can download it. Thanks.

Old thread, but still very true. I was just looking for a mod that does this when I ran across this post. I'm surprised this doesn't annoy more people ...or at least enough that a mod-author might take pity on we, the humbly less-capable :) Cotton

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