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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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"Get in there!" Leo commands, he had many men under his command, and all of them heavily armed. Leo took note that he knew that those that would go in through the front were going to die, so he took liberty in planning..like he should as always. "Blow it up!" Leo yelled, he was on a hill with a radio screaming commands to his men.

And within the instant he commanded a large portion of the Marts roof toppled down in a precise circular explosion. And within that moment his men began roping down and when they touched they were on the flanks spraying lead from automatics and assualt rifles at every angle of Vlads group.


Leo then yelled another command. "Open the back door, ladies and gentlemen we have lift off!" When that command sounded the back end of the mart crumbled as well. And within the horror of the midst six leather backed mercs scrambled to cover, adding to the ferocity of the battle. Now Vlads companions were being pummeled with lead from the flank, the horde of mercenaries at least two dozen from the flank took cover. And when it couldn't get worse, a power armored merc waltzed from the gaping hole at the back of the super market. His metal suite was painted in the woodland camouflage. He wielded a massive minigun, with the ton backpack he wore that belt fed his death machine. He took one step aimed at the counter Vlad was seen firing from with his rifle and began to let loose.




Terror ran through Vlad, the minigun tore apart the cover slowly, the counter began to crumble and the materials he had began to fall into dust. \

"Damnit!" Vlad screamed as he popped an empty bloc clip out of his battle rifle, loading it a new he cocked it. Vlad yelled as loud as he could and said


"Someone kill that damn powered armored freak!" Vlad knew killing a man in power armor would take more then just bullets. Leo had planned, Leo planned in such a way that it wouldn't be easy this time..Lead poured from every side, cover began to become useless now death stared them right in the face.

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Sandro feels a tremor in the floor, and hears the roar. "ATTA BOY, LEEROY! SHOW EM WHO's BOSS!" He shoots merc after merc, running out of sawed off ammo, grabbing a second assault rifle off the ground, with a handy strap and fires both at the mercs exclaiming "Say hello to my little friends!"


Tomoyo shoots a merc rushing Cathy from behind, turning him into goo. She blows a kiss teasingly, then starts shooting again.


Leeroy rips a merc's head off, and bites one's face off.


Sakura scratches out a merc's eyes, and he runs around screaming.

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"S***! Power Armor! Fine, you sons of b*****s! you want someone to use Power Armor? Two can play at this game!"


In that moment, she hauled ass into the bathroom, coming out in just moments in a full suit of customized Power Armor, painted like the Outcasts, but with a different red hue, and her signature skull and cross-bones over the Outcast symbol.


She dropped down, using a Stealth Boy with a smirk, sneaking her way to the Power Armored soldier. She silently pulled open the ammo box that the Mini-gun fed on and inserted a Grenade. From her work in mechanics, she knew that this would DEFINITELY destroy the gun, and with a bit of luck, blow the Soldier up as well.


For safety, she slipped a second in, closing the cover and sneaking away. As she snuck around, soldiers could be seen dropping with slit throats; Someone was invisibly slitting their throats, and you can guess who.


As she made her away back outside, she noticed something on a hill and knew it had to be important. she knew if she snuck up there, the Stealth Boy would wear off just in time for her to confront who or whatever was there.


She headed off, having her new Shotgun out and ready. Eventually, she made it up there, just as the Stealth Boy wore off, putting the barrell to Leo's head.


"Call off your men, right now, or I swear to the good Lord above, I will splatter this hill with your rotten brains, you son of a b***h. Your Armor may be strong, but your head is far from that powerful."

Edited by DemonLady
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Morgan pulled his colt and started to return some of the fire when he saw the power armored guy, thats when he decided to bolt it and run for cover near that hogtied assassin, dragging Loki with him since he didn't want to lose his friend.


Morgan, who had put Loki in safety decided to try and get a few more shots of at the power armored guy, whom Cathy's grenade attack had failed to kill, but the bullets didnt do much. But all of the sudden, out of the blue, a sniper shot went straight through the helmet of the power armor guy, killing him in a blink.



Morgan just stared at it for a few seconds before shooting two more mercs and then retreating

Edited by MikeRyan
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Vlad felt the tremors from the ground, the ammo box had exploded. Vlad took the opportunity, raising from the counter he aimed down his sights. Three shots sounded, one of those shots got a merc in the chest, the next hit a ghoul merc that was to the right of the chest blown man. And finally the third was a miss sadly.

"Damnit!" Vlad said, within that instant a cold sting was felt on his shoulder. Vlad looked down in horror, a shot from a assault rifle had went through one of the few blind spots on his vest. "Ahh!" Vlad groaned, holding his shoulder only to shake the pain off as he took his .44 into his hand. Kneeling down he aimed, though in that moment the ghost rose. The power armored vessel rose to his feet, Vlad could see him grab a gun from a dead mercs corpse, the vessel obtained a light machine gun.


His visor met with Vlads, as the vessel did so Vlad fired two shots, one shot reflected from the power armored vessels right leg but he took it as if it were nothing. Then in an instant a gush of blood sprayed from the powered armored vessel and then he disappeared within the dust, dirt and blood that flew within the air.




Leo smirked raising his hands. "Well sister, seemed you found me..I cant call off a storm but I can do other things." Leo said, smirking.

Edited by boneless1
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Morgan laughed and looked at Vlad and said "Well, that was lucky hahaha"


Morgan thought he saw something off in the distance, like a shimmer of a stealth boy or similar but didnt think much of it. "Must have been heat haze" he thought to himself.

Edited by MikeRyan
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"All right, you lot! GO GET EM!" Greebo says. He had been travelling home, and heard the gunfire from half a mile away. He decided to see what all the noise was about, and saw the super mart under siege. He rounded up a bunch of Feral Ghouls, and released them among the mercs to spread havok. He sees a man in a suit of power armor, a girl attempting to sneak up in power armor that she clearly didn't know how to use, and decides to do things properly. As the man turned, he breathes out, pulls the trigger, but a gust of wind blows the bullet off course and the head of the man standing next to him explodes. He chambers his next round, and prepares his next shot.


Sandro was a bit surprised when he heard the shot, and heard the growls of the Feral ghouls. He felt a warmth wash over him and realizes a Glowing One must be among them. Were they called by the noise? He ponders, shooting another guy.


"Mister Morgan! Watch out!" Tomoyo shouts, seeing a merc turn and start shooting at Morgan dragging the prisoner. She tries to shoot her plasma rifle but is out of ammo. She holsters it, rushes forward, draws, does a pirouette and slices off the man's head with Wisdom. The body rushes forward a step or two, and falls to the floor. She twirls her blade twice, and returns it to the sheath on her back. She nods at Morgan, grabs a random gun off the ground and starts shooting.


Leeroy was tearing in to mercs left right and center.

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Morgan looked at the corpse and then at Tomoyo and nodded.


"Thanks girl, didn't see him there. I owe you one!"


he then popped in a fresh clip and shot a few more guys

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Vlad shot another round within the midst of chaos, the stench of death was lingering with a distinct taste. Bodies of mercs lie on on the ground some lifeless and dead others screaming in pain. Vlad noticed a rather substantial loss of morale when the Power armored machine died, mercs began to slowly flood out from the gaping hole they made. The echoes of the screaming hindered their momentum and they began to slowly break, the shouts of "Fall back!" was fluent in the air like a train rumbling by during the night. Vlad smirked, the nightmare was over and the bloodshed of the hour was beginning to end. Within minutes the bullets ceased, only the panicked mercs running to the hills. "Everyone alright!" Vlad yelled as he stood, observing the battle field.




Leo, stood his hands raised he growled with discontent seeing his men run like cowards. "You win Vlad..by momma you won." Leo looked to the girl and grumbled, taking steps down the hill and towards the Mart knowing he was probably being watched and couldn't run for it. Entering the Mart he looks to Vlad.

"I didn't shut you down after all." Vlad has a smug look, he hopped the counter and walked to Leo and said. "Shut up, someone tie em up." Vlad turned around rubbed his face which was covered in dirt and his own blood. "Oh..this is going to be a long day."

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